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About Elyptical

  • Rank
    $p4m m4$t3r
  1. Elyptical

    Zerg Mineral Hack

    are you totaly retarded? you dont just press it once otherwise it will crash you, you hold it and once your done you hit esc
  2. Elyptical

    Open Legit Smiter

    i would but it says that it cant upload that kind of file
  3. Elyptical

    Aliens Are Coming

    letz sacryfyce warfalcon too der leadah!
  4. Elyptical

    Open Legit Smiter

    i know how to make a crack but i would take like 6 hours transfering the files over msn can anyone explain why you cant upload any file containing d2 information on a char...?
  5. Elyptical

    Whats Your Fav Race

    what is your favorite race, and why? in my opinion i think protoss is the best because of carriers...but i also like zerg because of mutas, terran just plain sucks unless its a 7v1 comp stomp
  6. Elyptical

    First mod to the site ^^

    thats a nice mod but why only 3 units? you should of done all of the units instead of the easiest rushing units
  7. Elyptical

    Open Legit Smiter

    was wondering is a open smiter with 14k-17k dmg was good isnt hacked or anything... hes actually a good character against melee and ranged but hammers own him
  8. Elyptical

    [Bots] EasyBot Beta

    sounds like a cool bot i may have to try it sometime