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jeffrey Tan

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About jeffrey Tan

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    $p4m m4$t3r

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    i love hatty
  1. jeffrey Tan

    Gta Vice City

    This game called GTA Vice City is a racing/doing quests game. It another game which many gamers enjoy playing. Driving cars, hitting and running, getting chased by police cars, blowing up cars is a favorite among many people who enjoys racing games.
  2. jeffrey Tan


    Every heard of counter-strike.. this exciting shooting games seems realistic with real life weapons used in the army.. The M4A1 Maverick Colt, one of my favorite guns, have 90MM with silencer and other various features. That gun is in the COunter-Terrorist section when you start out a game. The AK-47 is another gun, but it is in the Terrorist section. There are 2 groups, CTs and T. Their goals are to plant a bomb and bomb it successfully, or wipe out the race or to rescue or prevent CTs to rescue hostages.
  3. jeffrey Tan


    heyy fellas. Im going to dizcuz this awesome game called Ragnarok.. This exciting game includes characters which have various powers such as arrow shooting, healing, wand using, etc. you can dl that game in www.iro.ragnarokonline.com thanks and come again
  4. jeffrey Tan


    Gunz is an awesome shooting game. There are a variety of maps and you can get bounty (money) after each kill. With alot of bounty, you get purchase weapons such as grenades, shotguns, swords, daggers, smgs, machine guns, and more. You can download the game at www.gunzonline.com or ill give you an application for free.
  5. jeffrey Tan

    3v3 Zero Clutter V2

    This map consists of a 3v3 game where there are 3 mineral fields and there is a center and in the middle, there are 2 boxes with nothing in it. Regards, Jeffrey Tan