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About YourMother1

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    $p4m m4$t3r

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  1. YourMother1

    Spyware Removers

    Hijackthis http://www.hijackthis.de/en it´s a little bit more complicated than spybot sd or adaware but it finds more spyware. Also shit in your registry and evil software that is running in the background
  2. YourMother1

    Advanced Multicommand

    The Multicommand should basically have the functionaltiy of dt´s multicommand. This should be better: a.) mulitcommand for Drones, Probes, SCVs and Overloads should be OFF. But regularly I accidentally use one of them when mc is on. This is really annoying. Exclude this units default from mulitcommand. I can´t see any reasonable reason to use multicommand for this units. It causes only problems (put every single probe back in the gas station OMG) b.) exclude some units from multicommand - e.g. by hot key clicking. Sometimes you like to have some hydras in the back of your base at the ressoucres to fend off a drop. This would be really useful. c.) Replay & Multicommand: Nobody except of iNHALE & penguin plug users can save a replay when you are using multicommand in. The new multicommand shouldn't be detectable by the Penguin Plug and the replay shouldn´t crash ohter users when they try to save it.