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About Wangster

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    $p4m m4$t3r

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    Chris sucks
  1. Wangster


    It's an alright game, but it lacks real depth if you ask me. When you are to pay for an online game, go to a bigger title such as FFXI or WoW where there are many other things to do than kill mosters. You may like the game, I know my friends who play Ragnarok do. When I played I used the path of the archer, it was cool, and the character sprites are pretty cool. Regardless, I thought it was a bit two dimensional in the sense that all I saw in the game was Kill>quest>Kill.
  2. Wangster

    final fantasy 11

    I play it, very fun in my opinion. The problem is that it's nothing like other FF's and its NOT for one person. You more or less HAVE to play with others, and the game WILL get on your nerves. The best way to enjoy it is playing in moderation. If you're looking for a game with more of a solo aspect, try WoW.
  3. Wangster


    It's quite interesting, I played it a while ago. The problem is that 2 mech guns and a Katana became uniform when I played and there was no room for vaiety. I got to about level 10 and quit.
  4. Wangster

    What did you get For Chrismas!

    Got roughly $300. Good haul.