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Everything posted by Gamepin126

  1. I don't miss you, quit sending me these fucking emails.
  2. http://www.bwhacks.com/forums/flame-board/...resent-you.html Discuss.
  3. Gamepin126

    [News] Okay, New Plans Everyone!

    double elimination imo, single is fail
  4. Gamepin126

    1000 Posts!

    Nice... only 18k more to go, and we can be leik twinz
  5. Gamepin126

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you

    Suicidal pussies won't get any sympathy from me. Grow up. What'd you even bring it up? You want a collective "Ah...*pity*" hand holding session so we can make you feel better? Is your life just not fair? You get out of life, what you put into it. I'm not going to attempt to solve your problems, nor should anyone else. If you wanna commit suicide, then go for it. I'm tired of hearing this "attempted" bullshit. If you're going to do it, then do it. No one wants to hear your QQ I'm special and deserve better stories. Seriously, how hard is it just to twist your neck by yourself? IMO, you deserve every ounce of punishment you get in life, because you let yourself get punished. Here, let me help you. See that big vein in your arm? It's not needed, take it out. There's gotta be less than a half of a millimeter of skin there, it's not hard. No wait, there's something better. There's CLC or that drain cleaner in the cabinet under your sink. Bottoms up. Quit being a pussy and actually do it. Fix your life yourself, stop asking for hand outs because you're not getting any. Especially online, what a pathetic loser you must be to look at text on a hacking forum expecting something other than flames. C'mon guys. Let's all quit "acting" like we hate each other, and all get along. I mean, the alphabet > life. Everything on the internet is soopar cereal (I prefer cap'n crunch, he's my hero), and it's not a joke.
  6. Gamepin126

    The Python Suite

    Why don't you just put them all into 1 rar?
  7. Gamepin126

    wiki_ Zephyrix.dll

    There was a template released by Dyndrilliac, and Zyz used the same name for his dll. I think it was mostly winamp controls.
  8. Gamepin126

    wiki_ Zephyrix.dll

    Yea, it did. He turned it into Phenix or something later.
  9. Gamepin126

    Edit the Picture

    :ph34r: I'm unoriginal. edit: Fixed, I uploaded wrong pic.
  10. Gamepin126

    Edit the Picture

    Not really, just use something that people can edit.
  11. Gamepin126

    Bow to me.

    http://www.bwhacks.com/forums/graphics-art...it-picture.html You guys do anything like this over here?
  12. Gamepin126

    Edit the Picture

    Make sure that you don't allow people to add in 4chan shit, it'll ruin the game. edit:
  13. Gamepin126

    Internet Urinal

    Nah, I use the official WoW Catheter.
  14. Gamepin126

    A Starcraft DLLTutorial Coded In MASM32

    You could use a lot less [ CENTER], it doesn't really help when you're reading indented code. It's useful when you want to emphasize a topic, or special conditions. But any large chunk of text becomes annoying to read, I personally just skip it.
  15. Gamepin126


    Lol. I personally don't approve of all the nonsense that Casper crams into his pages. Most of the time, this site scrolls choppily, or just slowly. I've never had a page do that for me before. You really should have an option, to turn off everything but basic forum functions. He doesn't make the forums fit your browser's width, eww. Anyways, I'd hardly call them interchangeable for the simple fact that Casper has to pay people to make unique hacks which his site's name on them. BWH has created almost every single memorable hack to be released since....forever. I also like to differentiate between newbs, and noobs. Newbs are things to be nurtured, and noobs need to be IP banned. And since you guys don't, nobody will take you seriously. I'm aware you like to think you guys have standards, but you don't. For all you idiots who think BWH has too much flaming, you get what you deserve. Ask a serious question, you'll get a serious response. Act like a retard, and you'll get nothing but flaming diarrhea. I remember hearing this somewhere, I forgot. But anyways. Since the internet lacks any form of quality control, it's generally a good practice to assume something is garbage until proven otherwise. I like how this applies to every object, and entity. People aren't worth your time, unless they're willing to invest their time in you. Leeches are worthless, and so are idiots. So unless you prove to me that you're worth a damn, you'll get nothing in return. (*cough*programmingmods*cough*) This place is like a feel-good haven for people that aren't wanted elsewhere. If you want quality members, you guys need some standards. Idiots don't succeed in life, no reason why they should be rewarded for clicking your ads on the intraweb either. If they're fed up with being aforementioned scum, they'll change. And uh, regarding the topic...I have 2 accounts, but I only show up here when there's nothing immediately worth my attention at BWH.
  16. Gamepin126

    zDropHack & Similar.

    rofl @ ^ post Most definitely an epic thread.
  17. Gamepin126

    zDropHack & Similar.

    You're a fucking retard. I didn't ban you, you mod previewed yourself by being a moron. I'm aware that 12 year olds can have a limited grasp of some concepts, but c'mon.
  18. Gamepin126

    zDropHack & Similar.

  19. Gamepin126

    zDropHack & Similar.

    epic thread
  20. Gamepin126

    Tongue Piercing

    Not a real fan of face jewelry, shit gets caught in mah fly.
  21. File Name :: Universal RedDot Author :: Ambiguous² Category :: "VAC Proof" Hacks Description :: This draws a red dot over your window, this is undetectable and works on any game. I mean, any. Even if you don't run a game, it will draw. To turn this off, you must ctrl+alt+del and end process. Download
  22. Gamepin126

    Prince To Sue The Pirate Bay

    Demonoid is/was a joke. Sorry, get a better site.
  23. Gamepin126

    Prince To Sue The Pirate Bay

    Web Sheriff really is pretty horrible. I doubt they'll do anything.
  24. Gamepin126

    Hack Ideas

    I was talking about the thread.
  25. Gamepin126

    Hack Ideas

    Casper are you incapable of a unique idea?