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Posts posted by JanqeD

  1. <BR> is a break kinda like the affect you get when pressing enter. Not sure what he is referring to with <BR> and iframe lmfao they are in no way similar An alternative instead of iframe would be use divs you wouldn't use another document as a src but you would define whats in the div by


    <div id="mainwindow">Content here</div>


    than in your CSS define where the div will be located etc like that.

  2. I need help coding a form. I dont even know where to start especially for a file upload feature. I need a php, java idc form i can insert into my page with these fields.


    Name:	[						]
    Phone#: [						]
    Email:	[						]
    Website: [						]
    250 Character Comment Box Here
    Upload Song You Want To Submit
    [									 ] Browse


    All the fields are pretty much self explanatory but the submit i want it to upload to my host in a certain folder for me to later download. Its a form for a radio station so people can submit their bands music easily for review to be air'd


    Anyone know an easy way of doing this for someone who doesn't ever work with forms lol

  3. Me and my friends are wanting a stand alone Build Matrix hack. Something that will work hand and hand with Oblivion. (Yes I know freedom hack is coming out or w/e blah) I just want one I already have a price quote from Nano for 20$ with free upgrades if it ever gets patched anyone else think they can do it for less?
