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Everything posted by Full_Metal

  1. Full_Metal

    Sup peeps

    Name: Full_Metal Favorite Game: GTA/MTA Age: 18 Favorite Color: Blue, Black, Red Where are you from: Australia Where did you hear about us: Net Gaming Screen Name: Full_Metal Have a GirlFriend: yes Why did you come here: it looks interesting Who is your Idol: me About you (Description): i love pc games, and i love searching the net for different things
  2. Full_Metal

    Design the Ghoztcraft t-Shirt

    i had chose those pics as they are the games advertised on the site, and seeing as they are also the main games that are used for hacks and stuff like that. btw, i did that using photoshop cs2, i cant help that the Protos and starcraft pics look shit, as i couldnt find any better ones, i could only seem to get my hands onto starcraft 2 pics. at least i had the guts to post something, i havnt seen anyone else post any pics yet
  3. Full_Metal

    Design the Ghoztcraft t-Shirt

    here are my first designs i think the top one should go on the front, and the bottom one on the back, i didnt bother about shoulder ones, as, i believe it would look better if they just stayed plain
  4. Full_Metal

    Design the Ghoztcraft t-Shirt

    i just have a couple of questions where can i find the font you use on some of your pics do i have to do the back, front and shoulders?? how many times can i post designs?
  5. Full_Metal

    New siggeh

    this is my sig i wanna use for here and this is one of my clan members sig i made for him
  6. Full_Metal

    Sup peeps

    no, its alchemist actually but fmj is a good movie, i own it hehe :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  7. Full_Metal

    Sup peeps

    thank you all, this site is cool, i have never been on a gaming site like this before, i still havnt found my way round here yet