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 Retired Staff
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Everything posted by TheRing

  1. TheRing

    New Abstract Tag!

    wow, nice one zar. keep up the good work
  2. TheRing

    Apple to serve up DRM free music

    Whenever I buy a song on iTunes, i always check to see if there's a DRM version first, as I greatly support the idea of DRM free music. Unfortunately, it would take a lot of people insisting that they get DRM free media to ultimately end the use of DRM, since the average person typically just deals with it. Of course, then again, if you can see/hear anything that is protected by DRM, then it's really not that hard to re-record it.
  3. TheRing

    Would You Donate Your Body To Science?

    Yeah, I figure I would rather find a way to help scientific research after losing several family members to diseases that don't have cures.
  4. TheRing

    Limited Time Offer, Lifetime VIP Sale.

    awesome. now i've got to save up for another one of those temporary credit cards u can get at grocery stores :whistling:
  5. TheRing


    good job Zar, thx
  6. TheRing

    Fuck Blizzard

    i've gone through 3 SC accounts in a week : (
  7. TheRing


    first one looks good, but the second one pwns. good job!
  8. TheRing

    Sexy Convo

    lmao gotta love teh manboobs
  9. TheRing


    nope, though i do know some ppl who speak german and have a house in Germany