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  1. xD3G3NERATE

    Good Impersonation Macro?

    I loved it. I used it to trick people like a nuke was about to it, or that a cheat was enabled. I especially loved impersonating people. I loved it. I used it to trick people like a nuke was about to it, or that a cheat was enabled. I especially loved impersonating people.
  2. xD3G3NERATE

    Good Impersonation Macro?

    Damn. So that's why Bag Full of Sh*t won't work. I did it and all that happened was a bunch of commands for the colors such as #t for new line and #r for color. Awell, thanks anyway.
  3. xD3G3NERATE

    Good Impersonation Macro?

    Does anyone know of any good impersonation macros? I mean like a macro that lets you use color text and skip 10 lines and such so you can make it look like people are saying stuff and make it look like they are leaving. Any help would be much appreciated.