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Everything posted by nattan

  1. nattan

    looking for an older program

    i remember it showed it was made by fleet but iam quite sure it was made by wormblood any one have a link or is willing to send me this i would greatly appreciate it
  2. nattan

    looking for an older program

    says iam missing a dll when it starts up
  3. nattan

    looking for an older program

    if you wouldnt mind all iam looking for is a 10 line spammer with options to enable or disable that spam line with the hot keys F7+ ( anykey ) to load a saved drawing and F5 to spam once F6 to spam a designated amount of times needs to be fast
  4. nattan

    looking for an older program

    because it worked for every thing, and the hotkeys worked like a charm to switch between your custom spams