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 Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Div

  1. Div


    we are! you just gotta come to the forums we do. This guy doesnt sound like me at all... I rape ppl, hes all barneyish... makes me want to ****ing kill some1.
  2. Div

    Recent Stuff

    If i find out your IP dont expect to be on any good gfx site ever again. I know admins at cloud9, fathom, pA, StreamSide, BrokenEden, NSL, SOTW and pretty much every gfx site where there is a pro gfxer at. I Will Crush You.
  3. Div

    Shadow Is A Ripper!

    Dont. Ever. Rip. My. Tags.
  4. Div

    Shadow Vs Flirch

    I vote Flirch. Why? Because you ripped MY Tag. I am the creator of Path Unknown. I have the .psd of the image to prove it, and i know for a fact, that the lying dipshit doesnot have it.