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Posts posted by Div

  1. I fought TKD pro for a few years, and I've been training in MMA since I stopped TKD, hoping to fight in the UFC after I graduate. I started working out with the powerlifting team at my university and they've given some pretty good insight into these matters. When it comes to the protein, I'm not sure why you don't take any, as far as I know there are no side effects, and being able to say "I got here without protein" isn't prestigious, it's slowing you. On the matter of strength plateaus, you might need to consider varying up your routine, switching out exercises, or changing the matter in which you do them, your muscles will only grow if they feel they need to, and if you can perform your workouts regularly then they aren't going to get that feeling.


    I don't live anywhere near you so I can't recommend any gyms, but I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from dissing karate, kumite sparring is much harder than mma, and if you ever even witnessed a sabaki you would think much higher of the champion of that tournament than of Bas Rutten.

  2. Yes i do but you have to buy photoshop. Ghoztcrat, does not support warez or illegal downloading at all. So i can not help you, plus it takes years to get to where i'm at in photoshop. Even if you had it you cant expect to make the same stuff i do.


    good god you sound more elitist than I used to.

  3. uh i stopped making tags like a really really long time ago, but here are a few new ones i guess, i jsut started again last night with devls tag








