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Everything posted by l)evious

  1. l)evious

    Guess Who Posts Next

    Wrong :), happy new years every1 :D Cripp
  2. l)evious

    Making a Computer Nuke

  3. l)evious

    Making a Computer Nuke

    I'm making a map and I want to know which AI I would need to use to make a Terran Ghost with nukes already prepared in silos shoot. I know that AIs tend to have to be placed under Computer players to work, but I can't seem to find the AI to fire... ('AI Nuke Here' does not work whatsoever.)
  4. l)evious

    D-List v1.0.0

    Imagine the abuse o.o.............. It does have a very practical use on West tho, as many games get frozen in the game list and clutter it with Red Bars.... This is a fantastic friend spam nonetheless xD.... Ive got a bot added on friends list, just watching my acc shuffle threw EVERYGAME on west... As it appears SC isnt as dead as we thought :P...