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About EKlipzDJ

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  1. EKlipzDJ


    lol gotcha. It says "From: Al Taqaddum, Iraq" so i just assumed it meant from. My bad
  2. EKlipzDJ


    @ Viper PSH if i had a CHOICE lol i wouldnt be using pentium anything. AMD ftw. But no, im 17 with no job so the whole getting a new computer thing is looking pretty bleak on my horizon. and sorry if this message is a bit whacked out but im trying to type this at 5 am just before bed and i only got 3 hours of sleep LAST (day before yesterday?) night. So yeh. but, point is, somebody who knows how to do things should make a nice dll spammer. lol. And eat the warden while your at it..... Oh nd @ monki dude my engineering room at my highschool just got dual core 4.3 GHZ pentium D's (or w/e the newest pentium cpu is) and their fukkin sick for 3D processing. They can render shit like no tomorrow. Its not fair..... i can barely convert an mp3 at normal playback speed on my compy. Now, off to bed.... Edit: o.o Viper youre from Iraq or did you just put that there for fun?
  3. EKlipzDJ


    But i dont LIKE windowed mode lol. Why waste all the space when you could use the resexpander and utilize all that area around the window? plus i doubt my compy could handle sc windowed if i had anything else open. 800 Mhz pentium III X_x
  4. EKlipzDJ


    Its an alt + tab spammer and it no longer works if im not mistaken, or doesnt work with multihacks injected as far as ive tested
  5. EKlipzDJ


    We should request one. I'd love anybody who made a hack like that for forever and a half i swear to God
  6. EKlipzDJ


    i know exactly what you mean lol. i copied all those macros outta apoc and into epicsauces macro format (puttin a 0 between each line) so i could use em without apocs stupid little nag lmao. what i wanna see is a nice standalone in game macro spammer hack, just like epicsauces, but by itself yunno? thatd be amazing.
  7. EKlipzDJ


    its definately a bitch like that. and all the nag stuff... cant spam macros without a "brought to you by apocalypse" message on the bottom. lol. thats what i loved about epicsauce... its amazing spamming macro system
  8. EKlipzDJ


    but epicsauce is so.... epic. lol. well damn then.... I dont wanna go back to oblivion... apocalypse was cool but it crashed a ton too. well damnit! **Sigh** oh well....
  9. EKlipzDJ


    wait.... really? damn... k so why am i gettin crashes left and right with epicsauce? is there any way to use it undetected?
  10. EKlipzDJ


    k i gave up on using nAutoloader with it cuz i keep crashing mid-game. I tried scguard but it wont fkkn work. It registers that sc is open, and i click install, go back to sc, login, and my hacks still dont load. wtf? is there something im doing wrong? this is my scguard.cfg file copied and pasted # scGuard Configuration File # # scGuard will load every file you write down here once you are at the login screen. drophack.dll Epicsauce.dll ZynMapHack.dll Battlenet Tools.dll HostTools.dll (end cfg file) So i think it might have to do with my modified local.dll leftover from nAutoloader. Imma try uninstalling and reinstalling and see if that fixes anything
  11. EKlipzDJ


    lol my bad. i probably shoulda noticed that, huh? :P whoops
  12. EKlipzDJ


    i was gonna test epicsauces macros, so i went on bnet and made a passworded game. the moment i hit the lobby sc crashed with the standard everything-goes-black-for-several-seconds-crash that always happens when i load a hack im not supposed to use on bnet. maybe its just my comp, or a combination of other hacks (bnet toolz, host tools, blue pill res expander, d3scenes private drophack (which i didnt pay for lol), cheap chat log, and your show selects hack). when i rebooted without nVector, show selects, and cheap chat log, it worked fine. (I did crash in game though... not sure why since i was the only one in the game). EDIT fixed spelling
  13. EKlipzDJ


    yeah so far thats working for me. I just wasnt sure cuz it said it was now detected by the warden and needed scguard. And as for windowed mode, i prefer the blue pill res expander. windowed is just so much wasted space.... lol.
  14. EKlipzDJ


    Hey so if im trying to load this with nautoloader, do i have it load without scguard after connecting to battlenet OR if i need scguard, is there a way to have nAuto load scguard.dll and have it load epicsauce, or am i just screwed and need to manually use the scguard.exe file everytime i wanna run it? Im trying to load like 6 hacks, so the epicsauce toolkit isnt an option because then nAutoloader wont work (modified local.dll is different for each) So what do i do? is there a way to automatically load epicsauce AND additional hacks without having to minimize sc and manually do it? EDIT: im currently loading epicsauce after connecting to battlenet and its not crashing. not sure bout disconnects.
  15. EKlipzDJ


    Soooooooo... does this still work? I tried it with apoc but it crashed. Im about to switch to Epicsauce because apoc keeps crashing sc if i try to play more than one game in a row so ill test it again once the switch is made.