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Everything posted by Xerticle

  1. Xerticle

    Pro life / Pro choice

    I want to point out that being "for" allowing abortions is not being "anti-life". the ultimate goal for people on both sides of the debate is to have zero abortions. however, people for allowing abortion are in favor of letting women have dominion over their own bodies and giving them right to privacy and choice, and are in favor of sexual education, adoption education and contraceptives so that either pregnancies are decreased or there are viable options for the woman. Every time a democrat is elected president, abortion rates go down. Every time a Republican has been elected, abortion rates go up. Look it up. Interesting?
  2. Xerticle

    Where are my points?

    Oh, ok cool. I didnt hear about that. im gonna miss killing ppl and stuph
  3. Xerticle

    Where are my points?

    I just got on and it does NOT say i have any points. i cant buy crap in attack shop, and i cant attack anyone as it says my guy is level zero... -quick edit- in the atk shop i mean
  4. Xerticle

    Where are my points?

    In the attack shop it says i have none. i cant attack ppl cause it says i am lvl 0. i cant buy crap cause it says i have no points!
  5. Xerticle

    Gallery Updated!

  6. Xerticle

    The aftermath...

  7. Xerticle


    Hello, i am Xerticle. search Xerticle in google and ill pop up everywhere. I have been playing starcraft for 6 years, myabe 7. i like beef jerky, mexican food, explosives, and doing things that are illegal. o ya, i also know the number one recreational star craft player in the world
  8. Xerticle

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    CHEESE, LOTS AND LOTS OF CHEESE edit, i just threw up for no reason, im not sick, im not anything, i think it was the milk.
  9. Xerticle


    can we get our old theme back??
  10. File Name :: Pot Farming 2002 Author :: Xerticle Category :: Maps Description :: A great map, classic, download and play because people cant join my games cause of lag and i want this spread. View File
  11. Xerticle

    My new SIG

    I worked on this a bit, please post your opinion
  12. Xerticle

    Democrats and Republicans.

    Personally I am a Democrat. I think people should have more freedoms of what they want to do and the republicans have been limiting that by bringing god in the government. If god should be law, why not make the 10 commandments legal and ban adultery? Now we can arrest people who cheat. but that would be as bad as saying no strip clubs, prostitutes, internet porn, and i am against that. God should not be in the Government!
  13. Xerticle

    Want to Upgrade Ghoztcraft?

    what sort of user data will be lost?
  14. Ive been all over the place, looking for this map i played 5 years ago. it was probably the funnest map i have ever played. You started out with i think a few hatcheries and a sunken colony or two. the hatcheries would produce larvae, or marijuana, and the larvae would the be killed adding around 5 minerals to your stash. you start in a corner. all your enemies are in the other corners. i cant remember but i think you can have a teammate. you use the minerals to buy units in the middle. I do not know how to make maps, if i did i would make this. If anyone has been playing star craft as long as i have, would you please check if you have this map since i would very much like to have it.
  15. Xerticle


    actually i live in kansas, im in high school, and albert moved to IL for college
  16. Xerticle


    he IS korean, lol, he is an exchange student to my school. he is 18. hes going to college... brb... University of Illinois. its funny seeing him play because he got carpal tunnel and he grunts and holds his arm. he doesnt know english that much. he can still talk and stuff, its just the grammar. its funny hearing him speak. i dont know how to post pictures, here is his pic http://photos-449.ak.facebook.com/ip005/v2...30062449_98.jpg i dont know if you have to have a facebook to see this. im not even sure if you are goin to read this post again :)