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About ZmanHunter

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  1. ZmanHunter

    Obama's Health Care Plan for the US

    Healthcare reform is the answer but the solution is not this bill. Honestly, the last thing our country needs right now is healthcare reform. Jobs is what needs to come first. Jobs is what matters most. Employed people are going to contribute to the tax base which in turn will bring the debt down which means we can stop borrowing from China. With Obama printing more money, the value of the dollar continues to plummet. Healthcare reform would pass with a government option when everyone is making money again. But with so many people struggling they are too emotionally connected to debt and hearing the USA going in to further debt for something the USA can't afford right now is the biggest turn off. As far as this bill, an an employer, our monthly costs for healthcare is 16.8% of payroll. This bill says if companies don't offer healthcare, they will be charged a tax of 8%. It doesn't take a much thought at all for me to come to the conclusion that if this bill passes, I will drop the private healthcare plan in favor of the government. That will be an 8.8% savings per month. So, where is the option for the employees that Obama says is there. It's not. After all, I will offer the employees the option to pay the other plan out of pocket, which in effect, would be a paycut or go on the government plan. I've already talked to my employees and they don't want to pay for healthcare themselves so they will go to what ever I decide. So, no option. I the employer made the decision. I'm just a small business of 5. What do you think companies that are 25, 50, 100 or more are going to do? Think about public companies that are focused on savings, costs share prices, share holders, etc. They will dump the private sector program for government in a heartbeat. Another thing to point out is with the government forcing healthcare, it's no longer part of the benefits packages. Allow for direct competition. Healthcare is like gas stations. When there isn't a of gas stations in the area, then your charged premium prices. When there is 4 gas stations on every corner prices come down. In some states, there is only 2 providers and most have only 4. Open the state lines up for companies to compete nationally and prices will go down. Epecially for comapnies that operate in multiple states where the employer is forced to use the local healthcare companies instead of shopping their ENTIRE employee base to a single insurance company. THAT would drive costs down. Bottom line is, Obama is talking to the individual but the fact of the matter is, employers are the ones he should be courting. Employers want to provide benefits to their employees. It's in the best interest of the employer is the employees are healthly. But to not allow the employer to shop for heathcare anywhere he wants and only give two options a) what's avaiable in the state or :D government run with a 50% savings that's not really options! And that is NOT options for employees, the individual.