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Everything posted by yodadog

  1. yodadog


    i listen to techno :)
  2. yodadog

    good xbox modding website

    a good website for modding is xmodsxtreme.com just register and check the forums
  3. yodadog


    yo im yodadog new to alot of things in the world of private servers i play XBL and wow + starcraft
  4. yodadog


    since i saw this in the vent server for salvation wow i was wondering since the forums are down what happens next to swow
  5. yodadog

    Where'd You Hear About Us?

    from the ventrillo server i found on salvationwowgaming.com
  6. yodadog

    Softmodding your Xbox!

    well the action replay program is on the action replay site its just distguised as an update"the update" and if you dont have the cable to hook it to your computer then take a look here. in that tutorial it tells you how to add the usb cable dont cut the wire fully off so you can have the xbox controller and the usb cable hooked up then just use that as the cable that AR would originally need