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Everything posted by GhoztMan 

  1. GhoztMan 

    Portal 2 Released

    Read more of the IGN review here. My review Portal 2 has recieved critical acclaim for numerous review sites and I can tell you from experience, this is an excellent game. It expands on the story and adds tons of new content and characters. The characters are witty and humerous, and the voice actors are superb. I beat the singleplayer in 7ish hours, and the coop mode in 5ish hours with a good friend on Skype. While not amazing in re-playability, every ounce of gameplay was obviously created with love. If you own a PS3 definitely buy it for that, as it comes with a copy of the PC version. Knowing Valve, the price will probably decrease in a couple months, so it's up to you to decide if it's worth $50 now (or $60 for PS3) when the price is subject to change. I'd give it a 9.1 on a scale of 10. Play it. My steam name is [EGI] AquarianPython. Let's coop! :D
  2. GhoztMan 

    Update 1.5 incoming!

    [EDIT] This has been released! You can check out more on the official version history on the MineCraft wiki here. ----- I thought this update had enough noteworthy stuff to share with everyone. Update 1.5 will include snow on Taiga biomes and rain on various biomes; rain will bring thunderstorms and occasionally lightning bolts which sets things on fire. Along with weather, they are also implementing statistics (blocks broken, distance ran, etc) and achievements (get some wood, make a workbench, etc). Here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy882ILYJMM&feature=channel_video_title What are your thoughts on achievements specifically? I hope they have nothing like break 1000 blocks of wood or something along those lines, I don't want this to become an achievement grinding game. :3
  3. GhoztMan 

    Update 1.5 incoming!

    Yeah, they are meant to be a sort of guideline for newer players, not really 'achievements' per-say; although Notch is definitely going to release more achievements in the near future.
  4. GhoztMan 

    Patch 1.3.3

    Balance PROTOSS -Archons are now a massive unit. A much needed buff, they were relatively useless in PvT due to Marauder slow affecting them. -Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5. Not sure why this was implemented, time will tell if this is a wise nerf. -Cybernetics Core Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 180. This will mainly affect 4gate in PvP, I think it will be a positive nerf, make the matchup a bit more lively and less rock-paper-scissors. -Gateway Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37. Stalker train time decreased from 42 to 37. Zealot train time decreased from 38 to 33. These will compensate for the change to warpgates, allowing protoss to get their units earlier to account for early pressure. TERRAN -Ghost Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100. Due to MULEs, this is a buff in a way. Not sure if I like this choice. -Bunker Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%. I'm very happy with this change. An ability like salvage that allows you to create a 'free' building doesn't have any place in a competitive RTS game. ZERG -Spore Crawler Root time decreased from 12 to 6. Makes so zerg can defend from air easier (move around more) which is good because their earlygame AA is rather limited as is. Bug Fixes Fixed a bug where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location. Fixed a bug where players were still able to stack flying units on top of each other. You can find the original post here on the StarCraft 2 Forums. ---- If you agree, disagree, or have any other comments about the changes in this patch or my commentary, feel free to post. :)
  5. GhoztMan 

    Update 1.5 incoming!

    This was released! (Edited the OP) The weather effects are phenomenal, I really love them. That's really the main change for me, stats and achievements are cool but don't add that much content-wise at the moment.
  6. GhoztMan 

    Guess the movie!

  7. GhoztMan 

    Sorry for the outage folks

    This makes me a sad panda.
  8. GhoztMan 


  9. GhoztMan 

    Sorry for the outage folks

    Did you add anything?
  10. GhoztMan 


  11. GhoztMan 

    gametheat FO FO FO DISAPPEAR!

    It was pretty much dead anyways. :S
  12. GhoztMan 

    Update 1.5 incoming!

    Yup, it's only been public for about a week now and mainly the admins from the Gmod server by EGI play on it.
  13. GhoztMan 

    Update 1.5 incoming!

    epic.mineladder.com is a server I go to often, has a bunch of my steam friends on it. :3 It's a public build w/ no mobs besides in the dungeons they make; simple rules, no lag.
  14. GhoztMan 

    Update 1.5 incoming!

  15. GhoztMan 

    SC2 Patch 1.3.0, Season 2

    Yeah, they've implemented new achievements and portraits for their custom maps Left 2 Die, Starjeweled, and Auir Chef. Aside from the portrait achievements, there are a few others specifically tailored to each game type.
  16. GhoztMan 

    SC2 Patch 1.3.0, Season 2

    Yeah, it was pretty epic. I can see why it was taken away though because losing over 100+ food in a second is kinda ridiculous, even though it took forever to tech up to that, let alone live long enough to do it.
  17. GhoztMan 

    SC2 Patch 1.3.0, Season 2

    Keep in mind that x.X.x updates are major content patches, while x.x.X are usually little hotfixes. Still, it is a massive update and I'm sure they will keep coming just like SC1.
  18. GhoztMan 

    Colbert did the immposible

    Holy shit, my ears didn't explode. "Rebecca Black did a terrible cover of this song" Youtube comment says it all.
  19. GhoztMan 

    I need a hobby

    Or is it the best jobs equal hoobies?
  20. GhoztMan 

    I need a hobby

    Hobby != Job
  21. GhoztMan 

    Firefox 4 Released!

    I use ABP (Adblock), Cooliris + CoolPreviews (Previewing links, image viewer), CYW (Script and in-website ediotr), FastestFox (Features such as endless pages on scroll down, mouseover, etc), FFShowCase (Tab Viewer), FlashGot (Gives you download links to every item on the page), Personas (Skins), Greasemonkey (Javascript website improvements), Read It Later (Like bookmarks but not as permanent and easier to manage), StumbleUpon (Random site viewing based on tags). Addons make the experience a lot more personal, not to mention easier to use.
  22. GhoztMan 

    Firefox 4 Released!

    People still use IE? o.0
  23. GhoztMan 

    Firefox 4 Released!

    I sure hope your trolling.
  24. GhoztMan 

    Firefox 4 Released!
