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Everything posted by rss4560

  1. THIS IS NOT MY TUTORIAL althought it is very nice =p
  2. i was using oblivion 1.03 but whenever i try to stack hydras it doesnt work -.- i tried NOT using oblivion and stacking hydras worked perfectly.....so wtf?
  3. rss4560

    Penguin Plug hacks

    penguin plug is kinda an anti-hack program... of course theyll let u use it =\
  4. rss4560

    There's a Drop Hack out for 1.14?

    yeah... i tried dling stuff there but when i found that out........ i starteed crying and came here :)
  5. rss4560

    Final Fantasy SIg

    not exactly my style and its kingdom hearts not final fantasy =\ put that looks pretty neat
  6. rss4560

    new sig

    i like these style sigs.... so if u dun like....too bad :(