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  1. Last version 7.45 Support ONLY original SRO Client v1.244 Features: * Muliclient. * Auto relogin (please wait about 12 seconds after message "Failed to connect to server"). * Nude patch. * Infinity zoom. * Disable swear filter. * Minimize in taskbar (low memory mode) * Mini-mode (1/6 screen size) * Windowed mode. * Toggles hiding players and monsters. (Holding 'v' key). * Toggles showing loot on ground. (Holding 'z' key). * Weather control. * Auto-rise mastery. * Auto-accept resurrection. * Auto-accept invite to party * Auto-distribution of status points. * Alarm on private message. * Alarm on unique monster. * Alarm on a bargain start. * Unique monster log. * Block messages (All, Whisper, Party, Guild, Union, Global) * Character info window. * Loader configuration dialog. * Redirection the client to local port (substitute for mediapatcher) * Auto-demurder. * Auto-heals pets * Auto-fuse alchemy materials * Block list (block messages) * Team list (allowed to join party) Sample unique-Hercules.log: 01/16/08 05:13:35 appears Cerberus 01/16/08 05:19:31 appears Lord Yarkan 01/16/08 05:24:52 __KARTAL_1_ killed Cerberus 01/16/08 05:25:37 killed Isyutaru 01/16/08 05:29:44 G0d killed Lord Yarkan Now you can change options in the configuration dialog. To open configuration dialog, please, run loader with parameters Click Start->Run (or press Win + R) and type "C:Program FilesSilkroadLoader.exe" /cfg Added startup commands option in C19H28O2.ini: [Hercules-Rumata] Commands=/ap on;/arc on How to Start: 1. Extract the files in to your Silkroad folder. 2. Start the Loader.exe and Choose options 3. Start Silkorad 3. Enjoy! DOWNLOAD: Mirror #1: http://rapidshare.com/files/367510883/C19H28O2.v7.45.rar Mirror #2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=93H99Z8T Mirror #3: http://www.filefront.com/15917523/C19H28O2.v7.45.rar PASSWORD: recyfer.info