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Everything posted by Tiron

  1. Tiron

    Making a Starcraft Hack - Advanced

    So, I actually registered for this site just to help you out. I'm gonna help you make an offline mineral hack for SC 1.16.1 (version really won't matter for what I'm gonna tell you). So the first thing you need is a memory searcher. I use Art Money, there is a free version. Once you have your searcher, start up a game of SC. Preferably a single player map where you start with a few hundred dollars. The first Expansion Terran mission is a good one. Then search for your total number of minerals. In Art Money there is a Search button. Once you get a list of numbers, go spend some money and Filter (not search again, different button in Art Money) for the new amount. Do this a few times until there is only one or two left in the list. Change the value at one, and then go see if your minerals changed in the game. If they did, write down the address so we can use it later. If not, test the others using a slightly different number. Now you know where your minerals are, we need a dll. Making a dll project depends on your compiler, so if you don't know how let me know what compiler you're using. In your dll, you need an main. In DllMain we will need to create a new thread that sets our minerals really high... So DllMain should look something like this: BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD ReasonForCall, LPVOID lpReserved) { if(ReasonForCall == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { CreateThread(NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)MineralThread, NULL, NULL, NULL); } return TRUE; } Then we need a function called MineralThread that actually does the work. It might look something like this: void MineralThread() { int * OurMinerals = (int *)(0x00000000); // Change to the Address You Found, This Would Cause an Error while(1) { if(*OurMinerals < 5000) { *OurMinerals += 1000; } Sleep(1); // Prevent 100% CPU Usage } } You would need to include windows.h for this to work, but I figure you know how to do that. Compile your dll and inject it into Starcraft. If you play the same Terran Expansion mission again, your minerals should get 1000 added to them whenever they drop below 5000. This will only work if you are the same player number every game. Have fun!