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Everything posted by Uentil

  1. Uentil

    Using Loops

    You can execute multiple things in a sequence by using a Loop. Dim i As Integer For i = 0 to 10 'Code here... Msgbox "Current number is " & i Next
  2. Uentil


    I love you.
  3. Uentil

    Guys, Post.

    Guys, lots of Ghoztpoints for posting... come on!!!
  4. This is a long story I was seeing this woman for 2 years. Unkown to me She was cheating on me, That is not the worst of it, Over those 2 years I worked my ass off to buy her nice things to show her how much i love her. Then last december i was diagnosed with cancer, lyphmoia I spent a long time in the hospital. I am just starting to get better then she slams me with the news she was cheating on me and that she was useing me the whole time for my money. I had a mental breakdown and tryed to end my life and came close to doing so. I lost my job my car and almost my house because of her. now she wont leave me alone I get mean e-mails and letters.......I have to get her back. If any one here can hack her web site, shut it down destory it i would be so happy. She has caused me so much pain and nearly my life. I would do it myself but i am nt good with computers I admit it. So please some one help me get some justice. here is a link to her web site http://www.jenpeters.com/main.shtml and her isp I am using my cusins account. my name is Tyler I am begging on my hands and knees for help.
  5. Uentil

    Please help me I've been ruined

    none of this is funny to me. I will have a limp in my right leg forever because she got me so down i took 9,000 mg's of morphine and it caused me life long damedge then she steals money from me......its all a huge lolfest she realy almost killed me kicked me when i was realy realy down. I waisted the last 2 years of my life for nothing. I wont post any more but it would be nice if some one knocked that site down. and thanks tom I'll buy you a case of any beer you want.
  6. Uentil

    Please help me I've been ruined

    yes it is My name is Tyler Van Stone His name is thomas hoos I am his cusin he let me use his acount. I just need help thats what family is for -------yea thats her she took me for everything that is her the cancer almost got me but she came closer to killing me by egging me on to killmyself if you dont beleave me you can call hoos but he is just helping me i am in a realy bad way now.
  7. Uentil

    Connect to Google and return HTML

    It's free if you make it free.
  8. Start a new project, make a Winsock component names "Sck", a button named "cmdConnect", and a button named "cmdDisconnect". All of the HTML sent back will show up in the immediate window. Private Sub cmdConnect_Click() Sck.Close Sck.Connect "www.google.com", 80 End Sub Private Sub cmdDisconnect_Click() Sck.Close End Sub Private Sub Sck_Close() Debug.Print "Closed" End Sub Private Sub Sck_Connect() Debug.Print "Connected" Sck.SendData (SendHeaders) Debug.Print "sending headers" End Sub Private Sub Sck_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long) Debug.Print "Data Arrival" Sck.GetData SckData, vbString Debug.Print SckData End Sub Function SendHeaders() SendHeaders = SendHeaders & "GET / HTTP/1.1" & vbCrLf SendHeaders = SendHeaders & "Host: www.google.com" & vbCrLf SendHeaders = SendHeaders & "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070914 Firefox/" & vbCrLf SendHeaders = SendHeaders & "Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5" & vbCrLf SendHeaders = SendHeaders & "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5" & vbCrLf SendHeaders = SendHeaders & "Accept -Encoding: gzip , deflate" & vbCrLf SendHeaders = SendHeaders & "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7" & vbCrLf SendHeaders = SendHeaders & "Keep-Alive: 300" & vbCrLf SendHeaders = SendHeaders & "Connection: keep -alive" & vbCrLf SendHeaders = SendHeaders & "Cache -Control: Max -age = 0" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf End Function Private Sub Sck_Error(ByVal Number As Integer, Description As String, ByVal Scode As Long, ByVal Source As String, ByVal HelpFile As String, ByVal HelpContext As Long, CancelDisplay As Boolean) Debug.Print Description End Sub
  9. Uentil

    Connect to Google and return HTML

    Rockage - Logins take too long and i think google uses handshakes that i dont have time to figure out. MadMatt - Download Visual Basic 6 (Hint, it's not free ;])
  10. Uentil

    Connect to Google and return HTML

    Yeah, but winsck just pwns. -.-
  11. Uentil

    How To Make A Name Spoofer

    you have to do the token change and shit dont you? I'll post my old spoofer later, it was awesome using colors. You'd do like "(2)Uentil (5)Owns" and whatever number was the color code.
  12. Uentil

    Connect to Google and return HTML

    rockage, winsock lets you send more specific packets, like if you wanted to change cookies and stuff, like for the stickam adder, i had to change cookies and referers alot, and i also had to read them. HTTPWrapper is good if you just want to grab a single page for something. Union1, I'm just sharing my knowledge that i know people would use later, or even that i use alot. Alot of the stuff im posting is used alot when you get into VB6.
  13. Uentil

    Using Loops

    viper, that'd require a timer and alot of messy coding.
  14. Uentil

    [vb6] neopets guess the card player

    They could have made their lives easier and use Select Case.
  15. Uentil

    Using Loops

    yeah, next i
  16. Uentil

    Using Loops

    True that. I just find the way i posted a bit cleaner and i can understand how its working better.
  17. Public Function BroadcastMsg(Message As String) On Error Resume Next Dim I As Integer For I = Winsock.LBound To Winsock.UBound Winsock(I).SendData (Message) Next I End Function
  18. Uentil

    [mod] Strings

    This mod will let you split strings and whatnot. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Module : modStrings ' Description : String Utility Functions ' Author : C. Eswar Santhosh ' Last Updated : 08th February, 2000. ' Notes : Functions may be slower esp., SplitString compared to Split function ' But, you do need to sacrifice performance for added functionality. ' Compile these functions into a Global Multiuse Class module in your ActiveX DLL. ' ' Requires IE 4.0 or later to be installed in order to work. (StrBPrk function) ' ' Copyright Info : ' ' This module is provided AS-IS. This module can be used as a part of a compiled ' executable whether freeware or not. This module may not be posted to any web site ' or BBS or any redistributable media like CD-ROM without the consent of the author. ' ' e-mail : [email protected] ' ' Revision History : ' ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit ' ' API Declarations ' Private Declare Function StrCSpnI Lib "shlwapi" Alias "StrCSpnIA" _ (ByVal StringSearched As String, ByVal Characters As String) As Long ' ' Enums ' Public Enum PadType padLeft padCenter padRight End Enum Public Function SplitString(ByVal toSplit As String, _ Optional ByVal SplitChars As String = " ", _ Optional ByVal EscapeChar As String = "", _ Optional ByVal TrimStrings As Boolean = True) _ As String() '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Arguments : ' ' toSplit - String to be Splitted ' SplitChars - Delimiters that are used for Splitting the String (Default : Space) ' EscapeChar - The Escape Character (if precedes a Split Character, the Split ' Character is recognized as a literal) (Default : Back Slash) ' TrimStrings - If True, trims the returned Strings in the Array, else the spaces are ' returned as-is. ' ' Returns : The Splitted String Array ' ' ' Notes : This function is slower than the Split() counterpart. It's slows down as the length of the ' string increases. But, it provides you two things that Split() does not provide. ' 1. It allows multiple delimiters (called SplitChars here) ' 2. What if you want to represent the delimiter itself ? For e.g., if you have ' - as the delimiter and you want to pass A-B as an argument ?. For this, this function ' allows you to have one Escape Character. Instead of passing A-B, you pass the argument as ' A-B in this case. ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim retArray() As String ' The returned array of results Dim tempString As String ' The Temporary Buffer Dim arrLength As Long ' No. Of Splitted Parts Dim isEscapeChar As Boolean ' Was a Escape Character found ? Dim FoundPos As Long ' The position at which the Split Character was found ReDim retArray(0 To 0) ' Hmm.. Looks like bad example of Initializing an array arrLength = -1 ' No of split parts - 1 If EscapeChar <> "" Then EscapeChar = Left$(EscapeChar, 1) ' Only one character can be allowed as the EscapeCharacter End If If Len(toSplit) = 0 Then ' No String, nothing to do ... SplitString = retArray Exit Function End If If Len(SplitChars) = 0 Then ' No Splitting to be done SplitString = retArray Exit Function End If ' ' To avoid Redimensioning Array many times within the loop, we dimension the array to the ' maximum possible extent and waste some memory ' ReDim retArray(0 To 10) toSplit = toSplit & Chr$(0) SplitChars = SplitChars & Chr$(0) Do ' Use the SHLWAPI function to search for String matches FoundPos = StrCSpnI(toSplit, SplitChars) ' ' The String before the Split Character (if any) should be "splitted" ' unless there is a Escape Character preceding the Split Character ' FoundPos = FoundPos + 1 ' Remember ? C Strings start with a Zero Index Select Case FoundPos Case Len(toSplit), 0 arrLength = arrLength + 1 If arrLength > UBound(retArray) Then ReDim Preserve retArray(arrLength + 5) ' Pre-Allocate more memory End If If isEscapeChar Then retArray(arrLength) = tempString & toSplit ' Whatever is remaining Else retArray(arrLength) = toSplit End If If TrimStrings Then retArray(arrLength) = Trim$(retArray(arrLength)) Exit Do Case Is > 1 ' Check for Escape Character If Mid$(toSplit, FoundPos - 1, 1) = EscapeChar Then ' The Split Character is intepreted as an ordinary literal. isEscapeChar = True ' Remove everything before the Escape Character for temporary storage If Len(toSplit) > 2 Then tempString = Left$(toSplit, FoundPos - 2) & Mid$(toSplit, FoundPos, 1) Else ' The Escape Character is the First Character tempString = Mid$(toSplit, FoundPos) End If ' To avoid "finding" the Escaped Split Character again, we rip that part If Len(toSplit) > FoundPos + 1 Then toSplit = Mid$(toSplit, FoundPos + 1) Else ' The String has ended with the Escaped Split Character. Now ' this is the last part of the string that must be stored in the ' Split Array. Just do that ! arrLength = arrLength + 1 If arrLength > UBound(retArray) Then ReDim Preserve retArray(arrLength + 5) ' Pre-Allocate more memory End If retArray(arrLength) = tempString If TrimStrings Then retArray(arrLength) = Trim$(retArray(arrLength)) Exit Do End If Else ' No Escape Character arrLength = arrLength + 1 If arrLength > UBound(retArray) Then ReDim Preserve retArray(arrLength + 5) ' Pre-Allocate more memory End If ' We might have left-overs of an Escaped Split Character If isEscapeChar Then retArray(arrLength) = tempString & Left$(toSplit, FoundPos - 1) isEscapeChar = False Else retArray(arrLength) = Left$(toSplit, FoundPos - 1) End If If TrimStrings Then retArray(arrLength) = Trim$(retArray(arrLength)) ' Remove that Part If Len(toSplit) > FoundPos + 1 Then toSplit = Mid$(toSplit, FoundPos + 1) Else ' No more string to be splitted. Re-dimenstion the array. Exit Do End If End If Case 1 ' The Split Character is at the First Position If Len(toSplit) > 1 Then toSplit = Mid$(toSplit, 2) Else Exit Do End If End Select Loop ReDim Preserve retArray(arrLength) toSplit = "" SplitString = retArray End Function Public Function Pad(ByVal argString As String, ByVal TotalLength As Long, _ Optional ByVal Direction As PadType = padCenter, _ Optional ByVal PadCharacter As String = " ") As String ' ' Pads a String using another string to the specified length (Memories of XBase ?) ' If argString = "" Then Exit Function If TotalLength <= Len(argString) Then Pad = Left$(argString, TotalLength) Exit Function End If PadCharacter = Left$(PadCharacter, 1) If Direction = padCenter Then PadCharacter = String$((TotalLength - Len(argString)) 2, PadCharacter) Else PadCharacter = String$(TotalLength - Len(argString), PadCharacter) End If Select Case Direction Case padLeft Pad = PadCharacter & argString Case padRight Pad = argString & PadCharacter Case Else Pad = PadCharacter & argString & PadCharacter If Len(Pad) < TotalLength Then Pad = Space$(TotalLength - Len(Pad)) & Pad End If End Select End Function Public Function JoinString(StringIn() As String, _ ByVal JoinCharacter As String, Optional ByVal EscapeChar As String = "") As String '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Arguments : StringIn - Array of Strings to be joined ' JoinCharacter - Character used for joining strings in the array ' EscapeChar - If the Escape Character or Join Character is found in a string ' it is preceded by the EscapeChar. The resulting string can be ' used with the SplitStrting Function. ' ' Returns : The joined String ' ' Comments : Ever tried to Join the Strings "a","b","c,d" using Comma as the delimiter ? ' You don't have to figure out which is the delimiter and which comma is the ' literal. With JoinString(), you always know what you are getting. ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim I As Long, LastPos As Long ' Argument validation If EscapeChar = "" Then EscapeChar = "" If JoinCharacter = "" Then JoinCharacter = " " If Len(JoinCharacter) > 1 Then JoinCharacter = Left$(JoinCharacter, 1) For I = LBound(StringIn) To UBound(StringIn) If InStr(1, StringIn(I), JoinCharacter, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then StringIn(I) = Replace(StringIn(I), JoinCharacter, EscapeChar & JoinCharacter, 1, -1, vbTextCompare) End If ' Join 'em JoinString = JoinString & StringIn(I) & JoinCharacter Next ' Remove the last Join Character JoinString = Left$(JoinString, Len(JoinString) - 1) End Function
  19. Uentil

    Guess Who ;)

    Hey Tom! I swear to fucking god i'm still gonna send you that present, my sister moved and shit so everything has been hell and i dont even know where it is!!!!! But i will get it to you sooner or later -.-
  20. Uentil

    Cs 1.6 Hack Needed

    I'm searching everywhere and cant seem to find a working 1.6 hack for Counterstrike. Anyone got any ideas?
  21. Uentil

    Oblivion V3.0.1b Tutorial V1.0

    You might want to post the DL link. and take that annoying green font off.
  22. Uentil

    Sig Of The Week #4 - Actors/actresses

    I see no rules. Delete my vote then :P
  23. Uentil

    Sig Of The Week #4 - Actors/actresses

    I just know whats good for me. Jessican Alba :]
  24. Uentil

    Ipb Or Vbulletin?

    In security: Vbulletin > IPB (No question at all) In Looks IPB > Vbulletin In mods: IPB > Vbulletin Most popular: IPB = Vbulletin (about the same) Depends on what you want your site to look/feel like. phpBB Is up there with Vbulletin for security, i just don't like their style. If your doing a hacking site, you will want a secure board, no question about that. Its all competition Ghozt is the only person that can make phpBB sexy (that ive seen so far)