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About jonx2011

  • Rank
    $p4m m4$t3r

Previous Fields

  • Battle.net Server
  1. jonx2011

    Job Applications thread (Don't use this)

    I think that demonhellcore should charms prof because he is always helping me out and he knows his stuff and always has a few spare charms lieing around GO demonhellcore
  2. jonx2011

    Job Applications thread (Don't use this)

    johnny prefect of ravenclaw I would like to be prefect of ravenclaw because I a mature person and can be on the game quite alot plus I am a quick typer so if I need to say something I can say it quick
  3. jonx2011

    Quidditch Application

    character name : johnny position: chaser I would like to be in the team because it will give me something to do on the game and I like being in teams
  4. jonx2011

    Job Applications thread (Don't use this)

    I would like to apply for a job as head of slytherine as I was head boy of a house at my old school and I am very responsible I think i can keep swearing from the server and I will try be on as much as I can. I have a great character on the game and and could win alot of people in duels If you accept me as the head of syltherine and I would be very happy and would focus on keeping the server good and I would be committed.