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Everything posted by dudeimcool

  1. dudeimcool

    Check it out!!!

    hey guys hows it going? Just thought that I would stop by and say Hi. Seems like you have a pretty cool site going on here. My name is Casey. I love any blizz games. Especially Starcraft, and WoW. I really like anime. I am 14. Heres something I found on urban dictionary. I hope you guys think it is funny! http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=poply you guys have a cool site! :grin:
  2. dudeimcool

    Parody to SNL's Dick in a box....

    you guys must be really bored talking about mortgages.
  3. dudeimcool

    Lets flame poply

    sorry, what did I do? I thought that we were talking bout pop tarts.
  4. dudeimcool

    Saddam Hussein to be hung on sunday

    i think its great. The guy ordered hundreds killed in the 80's. On top of that he killed thousands more with mustard gas. He deserves everything he gets.
  5. dudeimcool

    Lets flame poply

    poptarts are gross. But im probably not talking about the right thing am I?