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Everything posted by RosRose23e

  1. RosRose23e

    My retirement?

    I am planning on retiring from Ghoztcraft, because I've been sort of bored and I am really busy these days. I'm gonna move soon when it's Summer so I will have to temporarily retire. I hope I see all of you later!!!
  2. RosRose23e


    Awesome Hamburger :) This topic is nonsense
  3. RosRose23e

    XGhozt Admin Powers.

    Today, I was in the server helping out, when this fool comes and says "BANNNN MEE" and then I just kick him. He then come's back saying "THAT'S IT I'MMA HACK THE SERVER!!!", I want to complain to XGhozt that we need mute, or atleast ban. :yes:
  4. RosRose23e

    some random shit

    hi, your shit, i'm not shit, remember, sorry if i offended you.
  5. Bee boop doppy!

  6. Hey, it's me, Rose, can I be able to have some authority to watch over your server?
