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Everything posted by Deathstalker707

  1. Deathstalker707

    Hey hey hey!

    IGN: Generally Deathstalker707, sometimes Death2Light when it's too long. Hey, my name is Alex. I like to have fun, but I also don't like playing with 5 year olds; sort of a casual-serious gamer(oxymorons :/). I have been looking for a Terraria server and some people to play Diablo III with. I haven't played Terraria in a while, and I'm looking forward to the new updates. I also play League of Legends. I'm at the stage just before Ranked, where I could play, but I don't have a team. DotA 2 is interesting. I'm in the closed beta and can't find ANY matches. :/ That's all I'll share for now, although if anyone has Skype I'll be willing to Skype chat with them, but I don't want 10,000 contacts I never call. So, ask me in-game if you have Skype. Also, if you've figured out Steam chat, help please?