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About Zmey

  • Rank
    $p4m m4$t3r
  1. Zmey

    Official Rules And/Or Agreements

    It was no spam. Spam is completely random and useles shit. My most on the other hand was in fact, a "FACT". Why I post here? Because I recieved a shitty e-mail directing me to this topic.
  2. Zmey

    Official Rules And/Or Agreements

    So why exactly did you noobies delete my post? CAN'T FACE THE REALITY OF IT? 'Hacking Made Easy' Is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. I mean if you find me a 'hacker' in the site, than I'll donate $80.
  3. Zmey

    Donations - VIP Membership

    "Hacking Made Easy" LMFAO. Exactly how so? You can't "hack"..none of you noobies can. Why waste money on this website, when you can donate to sites such as 'ZG', where you actually EARN something MORE than a freaking user group.
  4. Zmey

    Zero Has Been Cracked!

    WTFFF H4X!!! =D For all the newbies out there, we are speaking of .9
  5. Zmey


    For those who already recieved your accounts/our version, I have disabled Zero Gold for a few hours. There will be a new version distributed soon.
  6. Zmey


    At the current moment I'm busy, I'll be with you guys shortly.
  7. Zmey


    Hello Dear GhoztCrafters, If you would like a FREE ZERO GOLD account, please PM the password/account you want. PLEASE do not use your normal b.net/forum password. THIS IS NOT A SCAM, Thank you for your time, Zmey[PaCK] Current Members: - 707. - DarK DeMoNz - falco216 - gamkuha