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Everything posted by lozzale3601

  1. lozzale3601

    linkin park!

    if u luv linkin park talk right here!
  2. lozzale3601

    Doesn't Blizzard rock?

    Blizzard rocks! I can't wait for StarCraft: Ghost (I'm from Australia), and I wonder if they will make a StarCraft II :paladin: :sorcerer: :rawr:
  3. lozzale3601

    Why Do We All Play Starcraft?

    i play cos i luv CATNMOUSE games and i think there should be more of them
  4. lozzale3601

    Doesn't Blizzard rock?

    So when will StarCraft: Ghost come out? Never? That sucks.. StarCraft 2 would surely rock.... I saw a pic of StarCraft that was like WoW and one that was like WarCraft III
  5. lozzale3601

    linkin park!

    i still love them, and thier going on tour soon