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Everything posted by dragoonerzerg

  1. dragoonerzerg


    im stuck under 16 cents... its bullshit because i reach 8 cents so i play lvl 3 until 16 cents and when i play lvl 4 i always lose like there is some magical force and gets me back down to 8 cents for like 10 times! any good strategies plz! i play gold rush
  2. dragoonerzerg


    omfg!! i got $1.54 cents and i LOST IT ALL!!! DAMN!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! USE MOOLA GOLD RUSH SOLVERS! type in Moola Gold Rush Solver. FIRST LINK!! GUYS!! hurry up and verify! so we can do private matches! with each other
  3. dragoonerzerg


    moola is still in beta so there may be some flaws. yeah sometimes the sms message dont get to you so u have to resend a different code in like a week later.
  4. dragoonerzerg


  5. dragoonerzerg

    Ghoztcraft Webproxy Upgraded

  6. dragoonerzerg

    Ghoztcraft Webproxy Upgraded

    damn it. my school blocked it. school gives me the creeps.
  7. dragoonerzerg

    Find People's Addreses!

    i use this to prank call teachers
  8. dragoonerzerg

    Find People's Addreses!

  9. dragoonerzerg

    Find People's Addreses!

    you have to own a house to be listed
  10. dragoonerzerg

    Find People's Addreses!

    i know. but i got my teacher's full name easily and i pranked called him. it was pretty funny
  11. dragoonerzerg

    Another Funny Shit

  12. dragoonerzerg

    Random Funny Shit

    my favorite was teh cactus
  13. dragoonerzerg

    Random Funny Shit

    rofl rofl rofl
  14. dragoonerzerg

    Happy Easter!

  15. dragoonerzerg

    Super Smash Bros Brawl

    heaven is better. XD
  16. dragoonerzerg

    Super Smash Bros Brawl

    oh my...... that game all u do is just frekin fight in a fucking stage or something until like 10 min later. and u unlock stuff. bullshit
  17. dragoonerzerg

    Super Smash Bros Brawl

    yeah this game is fun, but plz, its only a game. the entire nation shouldnt be cazy about it. it also annoys the shit out of a lot of people. I can understand Halo and Blizzard but plz.
  18. dragoonerzerg

    Counter Strike 1.6



    A map that has counter strike effects and gameplay for starcraft. now in a new version.-balanced the units and the bomberiimproved fog of warfounded by stickpage[FF] A map that has counter strike effects and gameplay for starcraft. now in a new version. -balanced the units and the bomber iimproved fog of war founded by stickpage[FF]
  19. dragoonerzerg

    Counter Strike 1.6

    Counter Strike 1.6 Version: 1.6 Author: stickpage[FF] Category: Starcraft Maping Screenshot: Description: A map that has counter strike effects and gameplay for starcraft. now in a new version.-balanced the units and the bomberiimproved fog of warfounded by stickpage[FF] A map that has counter strike effects and gameplay for starcraft. now in a new version. -balanced the units and the bomber iimproved fog of war founded by stickpage[FF] Download The File Submitted by DragoonerZerg, on Mar 9 2008, 12:49 AM
  20. dragoonerzerg

    Counter Strike v1.0



    A map that has counter strike effects and gameplay for starcraft.founded by stickpage[FF] A map that has counter strike effects and gameplay for starcraft. founded by stickpage[FF]
  21. dragoonerzerg

    Counter Strike v1.0

    Counter Strike v1.0 Version: 1.0. Author: stickpagenknown Category: Starcraft Maping Screenshot: Description: A map that has counter strike effects and gameplay for starcraft.founded by stickpage[FF] A map that has counter strike effects and gameplay for starcraft. founded by stickpage[FF] Download The File Submitted by DragoonerZerg, on Mar 9 2008, 12:36 AM
  22. dragoonerzerg

    Vac Banned

    my brother got pissed at me for hacking CS and getting detected by VAC now im banned from almost all the fun CS servers. help plz. any way to bypass the ban or something? i used a hack that was claim to be undectected but it turned out it was.
  23. dragoonerzerg

    Vac Banned

    when i was trying to connect to a server, it said that my steam account was denied access as a result from cheating
  24. dragoonerzerg

    Vac Banned

    i heard like i can like alter the registration stuff...... i stand corrected
  25. dragoonerzerg

    Ap Bio

    IM IN ALGEBRA A!!! WOOHOOO damn, i shouldve did my homework last year then i be in Geometry. o well.