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Dull Freedom

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Everything posted by Dull Freedom

  1. Dull Freedom

    Computer Crashes Constantly

    computer has been on for about 3 hours now without a crash :) awesome i think it was a starcraft hack that was messing me up . just defragged and did disk clean up and found an awesome program called "TuneUp Utilities 2007" that puts all ure files in order and fixes them nicely highly recommended program has a free 30 day trial. I think it's good now thanks to everyone who posted and took time to help thanks alot :) cya around
  2. Dull Freedom

    Computer Crashes Constantly

    Ram seems to be fine it's 960 mb of it, ill try defraging again maybe this will help? computer shouldnt be that shity bought like 2 years ago maybe it is shit idk lol has 1.81 Ghz If the power supply was messed, would the computer even stay turned on for 1hr? or would it just shut down right away? And hey XGhozt good to see you again also :thumbsup:
  3. Dull Freedom

    Bad experience

    lmao i have a trampoline outside... thank god no one is around to watch me, ive cracked my skull twice on it and both times had to go to the hospital. One time i was just doing front flips i do them all time and i went to high and i landed my head straight on the ground and woke up in hospital... another thing was i have a inground pool in my house and me and a few friends thought it would be cool to jump of the trampoline and into the pool so we brought the trampoline inside and we started having fun. then i jumped and didnt make it to the pool and landed on the side of the pool. and back to hospital. But all that being said i still have no serious damage cept im a friggin idiot Heh my friend was drunk 1 time also did exact thing you did he landed his face on the springs and had spring marks going down his face in blood :s lol but i find when u hurt ureself bad on them you go into a shock so u dont feel pain ure just so suprized at what happend lmfao ne way i g2g beg XGhozt for some sc hacks, l8terz trampoline are teh bad!
  4. Dull Freedom

    Starcraft crashes randomly...

    awww thanks u weirdo.... ne way this i have the same problem sometimes but if u are using avast for an antivirus put the security to normal instead of high when u use this hack. works for me now
  5. Dull Freedom

    Starcraft crashes randomly...

    i know i know.... im WILLING to let you send me those hacks and ill test them all out!. wow what a good friend i am eh Then ill point out ure problems. Yet another problem solved by me man im good
  6. Dull Freedom

    Inhale API

    L0l g0 die :) and i have to be noobish cause look at my posts ? im obviously a noob idiot :thumbsup:
  7. Dull Freedom

    Inhale API

    no really? wow someone tries to help you and ure still an idiot... you wanted me to check out that link and see if i could get the file... i checked it and i couldnt so i did what u asked. Wow.... ppl like you belong far away from these forums
  8. Dull Freedom

    Inhale API

    damn sorry i tried to download but it just takes me to a blank page and nothing happends.
  9. Dull Freedom

    Inhale API

    i dont know if this is what u wanted since i dont use inhale but maybe this is it idk.if it isnt just give me more bad rep so u can feel better :ph34r: inhale203.zip
  10. Dull Freedom

    Cool hacks please

    im pretty sure im the best so i think you should share the secret with me ?? i know ViperGTSR3g has already tried sending me the secret several times. I guess his message center is busted or something eh :thumbsup: .
  11. Dull Freedom

    Cool hacks please

    hey more ppl :biggrin: ne of you guys know the SECRET?
  12. Dull Freedom

    Cool hacks please

    yup cause i know someone... wont mention ne names will find it in there heart. To send a secret (wont mention what secret or it wouldn't be a secret) to me threw pm " BY ACCIDENT" and we can all be happy k
  13. Dull Freedom

    Cool hacks please

    :thumbsup: * Starts Refreshing inbox* !!
  14. Dull Freedom

    Cool hacks please

    hmm k how about you tell XGhozt the secret then he tells me or if you accidently pm me it and i accidently read it but then discard the message asap?
  15. Dull Freedom

    Cool hacks please

    pm me ne time u want ;) i like secret's