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The Midnighter

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About The Midnighter

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    $p4m m4$t3r

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  1. The Midnighter

    New Stack Defense (3.01).scx

    Does anyone have this map? I had a copy of it, but then I tried to edit it and it got realllly screwed up.. xD Thanks for the reply...
  2. The Midnighter

    A stream of games

    I'm online a lot, I'm on summer vacation and I only have a part time job so Starcraft pretty much runs my life, since Blizzard banned my Diablo II Account I've been working on for 7 years or so I refuse to play WoW or any of that BS. Anyway, I play a lot of different types of UMS games, I have something like 40mb worth of maps on my hard drive, and I get through quite a few of them. If you're ever online and bored, feel free to message me in US East TheMidnighter, or on MSN - Maikeru.diron_AT_ gmail. com
  3. The Midnighter

    Starcraft Lan Lag

    Just change the port SC runs on for one of your PCs. I did it and it worked just fine. Also have to open that port in your router, btw.
  4. The Midnighter


    I can't see any hacks in there, actually. Just Mods and Maps.