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 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by PromasserX

  1. PromasserX

    Ip Address Lister

    Ip Address Lister Version: 1.0.0 Author: ProMasser Category: 1.15.2 Screenshot: Description: Lists everyones ip address. *Up to 50 pages or more* Works with oblivion Ipaddress.dll Made by ProMasser = B e t a Starcraft Broodwar v1.15.2 = H a c k ------------------------------------ Shows a list of people ip addresses, and if they hack saved in the .dll. And also tells what server they play on. Also i know this is sloppy but its for a good use. If u would like ur name up there please post your ip address, or send it to me, post your current server u play on, and are u a hacker. CRTL + I = Toggle thew list of Hackers, Players, Servers, Ip Addresses. Download The File Submitted by ProMasserX, on Jul 24 2008, 11:40 PM
  2. PromasserX

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you

    Thanks goes to everyone who stood up for me :D. And idc anyways let BWH flame there just showing how they really are, only reason they came over here just to flame.
  3. PromasserX

    [News] Live Video Feed is Up!

    Suteki i was Blue :D however i got drop hacked, but we played again.
  4. PromasserX

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you

    Sigh >.> and when i do this stuff i get banned/suspended/warned/demod.
  5. PromasserX


    I'll argee if BWHacks didn't have hacks up there for one patch everyone can enjoy themselves! Now look at all these BWH people over at GC as soon as BWH goes down.
  6. PromasserX

    wiki_ Zephyrix.dll

    This is the discussion topic for the wiki article: Zephyrix.dll
  7. PromasserX

    Version String Change

    I love doing this i even added it into my .dll. You can go in olly, and do this too. The hook: invoke JmpPatch, 5122C8h, addr VersionText ;Changes the version text .data VersionText db 4Dh, 61h, 73h, 65h, 72h, 58h, 2Eh, 64h, 6Ch, 6Ch, 20h, 56h, 65h, 72h, 73h, 69h, 6Fh, 20h, 76h, 31h, 2Eh, 30h, 2Eh, 31h Prints "Hacked by ProMasser" If you want to change it go into olly, and get type this address in "5122C8", than click ok after that right click "Follow in dump" after that select the whole "Version 1.15.2 unknown", and right click "Birnay" > "Edit..." than in the ASCII box type anything you want, and after go to single player, or anything, and go back to the Version string there you go your custom version string.
  8. PromasserX

    Working Drophack and Nuke Anywhere?

    Ghoztcraft does not support leak hacks. We have all the hacks you can want in the V.I.P also all the hacks in the v.i.p are virus free!
  9. PromasserX

    Version String Change

    Dude Viper just nop 3... invoke WriteMem, 04D94B9h, addr NOPs, 3h
  10. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    Sigh... I thought mods can flame in the FLAME BOARD so this is the flame board i can't flame? They where flameing all along, and they get no warning, or anyshit? After all the shit everyone flameing in this topic im the one who gets the demod, and no one else get AnyShit XGhozt explain that all the shit us members put into gc.
  11. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    Ok the source on bwhacks i didn't use i follow the tutorial, and the source on there isn't minimap so i played fare. I found a post on bwhacks where KC said that "He must be getting tired of US pwning him". And Zynastor had to help him.
  12. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    I speak english so i know english also im typeing english right now you noobs. KCDan you had Zynastor help on the maphack so i win noob GG.
  13. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    Actually i uploaded the hack, and i had a keyboard but my brother took it. Also i don't make fake hacks, and people come to me when they want a hack made for money so i accpet it. KC, and you had help on your maphack. I didn't have one person to help me so actually i win GG. KC i nevered copy anyone code how ever when i started hacking i had to learn, and now, and there Jiggie would help me, but on this maphack i created my own template, and started from there so talk wactha know lameo. Also im not a BIGSHOT programmer the first time i can't to BWH they just flamed me just because i was asking where to download C++.
  14. PromasserX

    Ive reached 1,000 Posts :P

  15. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    ProSlasher was just a lier, but he admited it but i do actually code hacks. And you, and your little bwhacks crew just flame, and KCDan you, and Zynastor share source codes.
  16. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    Sigh the whole bwhacks newb hack crew is here.
  17. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    KCDan post in the topic that i made for me, and you its located in the spam section. Im not that good, but sure i'll have anti-show select the crashes the users. Also im not even sure what those other hacks your name does, and i can do the following hacks. And also since we can add more stuff i think you better have DropHack, LeftHack, Nuke Anywhere, ZMin Hack *Auto Cancel*, Game Hang. But not start now i wanna finsh my other hacks. Stats Hack *I'll have to create my own version* Anti-Show Select
  18. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    http://upload.Ghoztcraft.net/files/170/MapHax.rar Thats mines, but however when u go to the person base on the full map his base is clear. Which is why the deadline is on saturday just like u said KCDan, and also i hope u have the placebox hack as do mine. The placebox is a the box when you are about to build a building where u can place it. Well when you rightclick the placebox won't go away.
  19. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    Hey the deadline is saturday if you want me to i can upload the beta part. All my features are done placebox etc. Just the maphack lite.
  20. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    You done with the contest? Remeber you have to have all the features i applied too. Im done too im just working on the dang maphack lite. Also started from your own template from scrath thats what i posted. Edit: Ahh you don't have to add that anti-tank turret crash than.
  21. PromasserX

    Making a program

    This topic was last active before you posted two years ago. If anyone would like me to reopen please send me a message thank you. -=[Closed]=-
  22. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    Heres the hacks that are included in the maphack. Also sorry i can't take a picture i don't have that button on my laptop keyboard.
  23. PromasserX

    Water Found On The Moon

    Nice Suteki hope you like your new job. I didn't read the rest, but i THINK theres life on Mars.
  24. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    So far i have done PlaceBox not Disspear, MapHackFull, MapHackOff only thing i just need is maphacklite, and Anti-Turret crash.
  25. PromasserX

    zDropHack & Similar.

    Well i think decent in a differnt way i have started in patch 1.14 - 1.15.2 so i think im decent.