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Virtual Pancake

 Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Virtual Pancake

  1. Virtual Pancake

    I have a pair of scissors!

    Charging batteries.
  2. Virtual Pancake

    I have a pair of scissors!

    Camera is dead.
  3. Virtual Pancake

    I have a pair of scissors!

    I only have one picture of it and I am physically holding it. I do not feel like sharing the ugly factor on these forums.
  4. Virtual Pancake

    The new Toolbar thingy..

    It is an interesting idea but my computer is getting to that age where everything begins to lag.
  5. Virtual Pancake

    New smiley for :3?

    Personally I usually hate the work I do but I like my smiley better, the one with the modified eye isn't the best. The left eye is too far off.
  6. Virtual Pancake

    New smiley for :3?

    Made it yesterday out of boredom. Any opinions?
  7. Virtual Pancake

    A personal response to Veeber.

    The funny thing is, the bot does run. It stays connected and works fine as far as I know, I just get random errors. Just to settle things, I downloaded all the required files, have all the required programs installed and even went a little further and installed other runtimes and such just to make sure they were not the problem. Think before you laugh at someone's misfortune.
  8. Virtual Pancake


    The second one did it, especially since I am italian. :o
  9. Virtual Pancake


    You just had to bring up Mr. Fatty didn't you. Now I am hungry. It is funny how most people think Buddha was fat when he really was skinny.
  10. Virtual Pancake


    Hah, ironically that sounds like the best advice. Not big on philosophy though.
  11. Virtual Pancake

    A personal response to Veeber.

    I find it amusing how many people are disrespectful. Something I do not tolerate especially when I was simply asking for help. I am a bit disappointed that people act this way these days. Oh well, time to end this ridicilous topic. Topic is now closed.
  12. Virtual Pancake

    A personal response to Veeber.

    Then was the point of laughing at problems I have. If you are the one that helped you should understand that I obviously didn't code the bot therefore I would not be able to figure out a complicated error that no one else has gotten. Also, if you are the one that helped me out, how come on the SB forums you told me you didn't know why I was getting that error instead you could have simply told me to get the latest version of MSXML6. As a side note, I just updated the MSXML6 with no changes.
  13. Virtual Pancake

    A personal response to Veeber.

    What problems did you have? I found 2.6R3 very reliable for me.
  14. Virtual Pancake

    They're going to bomb the moon!

    Our economy is barely working and the geniuses over at NASA decide to spend $79,000,000 to blow another asshole in our moon? Pancake does not approve.
  15. Virtual Pancake

    Gah! What a morning!

    Wisdom teeth suck! Want to know why they suck? Well they just do! Surgery sucks as well! Especially when surgery involves wisdom teeth, then it sucks twice as much! I am so damn hungry and I can't even eat a single crumb because of this stupid surgery on the stupid wisdom teeth. This sucks. Everything sucks! Your mother sucks! Why can't they just find a different way to remove these fuckers? All because of stupid teeth I can't eat! I am a fatass so that does not help!!! I didn't even get my required 13.5 hours of sleep! MOTHER FUCKER! Has anyone noticed that I get mad at the most useless things? Well I do! Thats how I roll!...Damnit, now I am thinking of rolls. I AM HUNGRY! RAWR! o.0 Good day Ghoztcraft. :hi2:
  16. Virtual Pancake

    all can come reasd my shit

    Only on Ghoztcraft.
  17. Virtual Pancake

    Gah! What a morning!

    This sucks. I can barely open my mouth, it hurts so bad, all I can eat is ice cream and I really don't want to take Vicodin or whatever it is, not in the mood to be high off my ass.
  18. Virtual Pancake

    Gah! What a morning!

    The pain is outstanding. I don't even know how I can deal with it as I type this message...
  19. Virtual Pancake

    Gah! What a morning!

    Lol. I am back and I feel so weird! It is crazy yet kind of cool, better than the pain I had before.
  20. Virtual Pancake

    Whats That Word?! (Contest)

    If you have any neat ideas for contests, please let me know about them! The first person to guess this word correctly with the help of only four letters will win the grand prize! The second and third people to guess correctly before the contest will each get 15,000 GP. Now for the rules. 1. You may NOT guess more than three times! Disobeying this rule will instantly disqualify you and your post will not be counted! 2. Please post your three ideas in ONE POST only. If you make multiple posts, I will not count the others. 3. You may not give your prize out to another user. Doing so will result in the prize being removed. 4. Please do not post anything besides your guess. I do not like to fish around through cluddered posts. Doing so will result in your post not being counted. The word is A**i**l****l! You have a week to guess it correctly! GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!
  21. Virtual Pancake

    Need private cd key!

    Anyone care to donate?
  22. Virtual Pancake

    Synchronization lost?

    What could be causing this issue? It seems to happen after I play one game. I am not sure yet what hack I have loaded could be causing it if that but if anyone knows before hand what could be causing it, let me know please! SCScrnShot_081409_054034.bmp
  23. Virtual Pancake

    Blut Aus Nord... Black Metal at its best

    Black metal FTW!
  24. Virtual Pancake

    Warden Update - 09-08-11!!

    Same here but the odd thing is, I even got disconnected without hacks...
  25. Virtual Pancake

    Warden Update - 09-08-11!!

    Unfortunately, there has been a Warden update as far as my knowledge goes. Not sure how much it is affecting but I know some have been banned and I am too having problems with certain things. As far as this goes, I do not have much information but hopefully that will change.