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Virtual Pancake

 Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Virtual Pancake

  1. Virtual Pancake

    Check it out!

    May I ask how you did this? I also like the first one.
  2. Virtual Pancake

    Staff REFORM

    I am for it. My job is not only boring but I have no idea what to do. Last time I tried making contests, they were sort of ignored.
  3. Virtual Pancake

    Old conversations saved?

    I am looking for some old conversations that I had with a certain someone. Unfortunately this was awhile ago and I have since had computer trouble thus reformatting. Is there any chance that these conversations were saved in my email or something like that? Sort of like what Gmail does with Gtalk. I could really use some help.
  4. Virtual Pancake

    Old conversations saved?

    I tried that awhile ago, never helped me.
  5. Virtual Pancake

    Old conversations saved?

    Well they were important to Jiggie. I gave him a brief idea of what I remembered but I am sure he would have been happier with the conversations. I guess at least I gave him what I remember.
  6. Virtual Pancake

    A man

    Great poem. Although what emotions I have left are the bare minimum so I can't really say much about it.
  7. Virtual Pancake

    Please help me I've been ruined

    A certain girl destroyed my life. The worst part is, I still love her. ='[
  8. Virtual Pancake

    Bad Customer Service

    Any word on the phone yet?
  9. Virtual Pancake

    Bad Customer Service

    Wow, got to love today's customer service...
  10. Virtual Pancake


    Take care of yourself out there Viper.
  11. Virtual Pancake

    Holy Crap!

    Should I be worried about that picture? O.O
  12. Virtual Pancake

    Crash Landed

    Virtual Pancake decided that everyone should have atleast one weapon on hand just incase anything else were to attack, especially during the nights. One person should also keep watch while everyone else sleeps. Virtual Pancake decides to tell LP about his idea. LP mentions that he spotted coconut trees along the beach and maybe there would be enough for everyone as it may be awhile before anyone finds a source of food.
  13. Virtual Pancake

    same here

    Err... This has got to be the most useless topic I have seen so far.
  14. Virtual Pancake

    Minor Changes to Ghoztcraft

    Who else is AS Admin with me? I know I have been lacking on my job but bleh, I need some ideas! =P
  15. Virtual Pancake


    Sounds like a good contest! I won't be playing though because I do not need GP.
  16. Virtual Pancake

    XGhozt's Laptop Desktop.

    I also thought he got Ubuntu.
  17. Virtual Pancake

    Starcraft 2

    Bad ass. I want the full game, like now.
  18. Virtual Pancake

    The best night of my life.

    I can relate to the "best day of your life" sort of thing. =D
  19. Virtual Pancake

    I got some pretty bad computer problems

    You could have a virus or Windows could be corrupted. I have had the strange "USB" problem before but a simple restart did it for me.
  20. Virtual Pancake

    Rate The Signature Above Yours.

    8/10. Interesting design as it is not the standard square/rectangle shape. Should be centered though.
  21. Virtual Pancake

    What do you think Ghoztcraft needs?

    Less leakers.
  22. Virtual Pancake

    I'm Merging to Ubuntu on my Desktop.

    Please do upload as this may be useful.
  23. Virtual Pancake

    I'm Merging to Ubuntu on my Desktop.

    I may be right behind you on this decision XGhozt.
  24. Virtual Pancake

    "Dangerous" hacker on B.Net?

    Apparently there is a dangerous hacker that goes by the name Krucifix. A few of my friends are scared of him apparently and I would like to know as much information as possible. If it is possible to get rid of him, then I think it should be done. Hacks or no hacks, this is getting ridicilous. Apparently he crashed the two users "dronus" and "speedknot". I will get more information as it comes along.
  25. Virtual Pancake

    "Dangerous" hacker on B.Net?

    You do realize that this was posted months ago right? I rarely play SC now.