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Virtual Pancake

 Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Virtual Pancake

  1. Virtual Pancake

    I figured this would be the proper place

    I better not have any of my accounts stolen.
  2. Virtual Pancake

    "Dangerous" hacker on B.Net?

    Yea that is what I figured. :D
  3. Virtual Pancake

    "Dangerous" hacker on B.Net?

    No, I changed it.
  4. Virtual Pancake

    "Dangerous" hacker on B.Net?

    It is in here because I needed to know whether this person was a threat or was just faking it all. If he was faking it all, he had quite a few people pretend that he hacked them.
  5. Virtual Pancake

    Ping spoofer?

    Well that is what I want. :grin:
  6. Virtual Pancake

    Ping spoofer?

    I was using a bot and you were able to spoof your ping. I would like this function for using not just for a bot, but for playing as well. Don't ask why, I just want it.
  7. Virtual Pancake

    Windows Live raising the volume?

    Did not work. Muting the sounds does not stop it from raising the volume.
  8. Virtual Pancake

    Windows Live raising the volume?

    Ok, I am really ticked off. My friend tried sending me a video call thing and I was playing music. Of course Windows Live is a royal asshole and raises the volume thus nearly making me deaf. How do I fix this heap of steaming shit? >:P
  9. Virtual Pancake

    Dude wtf is wrong with 4chan people

    I hate 4chan. Nuff' said.
  10. Virtual Pancake

    Ping spoofer?

    So much for that idea.
  11. Virtual Pancake

    Someone blast this faggot!

    IP Address: B.Net Username: Lyme Is it possible to spoof his IP Address so it looks like you have it? I would LOVE to get him banned from so many things. xD
  12. Virtual Pancake

    Ping spoofer?

    I am talking about spoofing it to ridicilous numbers though. Like in the millions. Basically, you can choose how much you want.
  13. Virtual Pancake

    Someone wouldn't mind helping, right?

    Thanks for sharing such information. I appreciate it.
  14. Virtual Pancake

    Someone wouldn't mind helping, right?

    What does someone do when they care so much about someone, but that other someone does not seem to show as much caring about the first someone as they used to? What if forgetting about them is not an option?
  15. Virtual Pancake

    Minimum Requirement: 1 GB RAM - WTF?

    Don't blame the Economy for your being to lazy to find a job, they don't go looking for you until your reputable. You need to find one yourself and i bet you the Wal-Mart is hiring. 1GB IS nothing, the computer i built in 2003 with Birthday and Christmas money had 1GB of ram. It is hard when I am going to school and there really is no remote location that is hiring near me. Wal-Mart is about 35 minutes away from me by car.
  16. Virtual Pancake

    Minimum Requirement: 1 GB RAM - WTF?

    Some of us do not have jobs and can't get jobs due to the economy. Not everyone is rich you know and some of us are younger people. For the one who was bitching on how 1 GB is nothing, you need a life! Nuff' said.
  17. Virtual Pancake

    Minimum Requirement: 1 GB RAM - WTF?

    I have exactly 1GB of RAM.
  18. Virtual Pancake

    Anyone want a sister?

  19. Virtual Pancake

    Anyone want a sister?

    As long as she is out of my house and out of my life, I don't care. JUST PLEASE TAKE HER AWAY! rofl
  20. Virtual Pancake

    A letter to that hero

    I wish I could write that good. I do miss Viper, although not knowing him much, I am a very caring person myself and I hope all is well with him.
  21. Virtual Pancake

    Starcraft Hacks Free Download

  22. Virtual Pancake

    Any workin drophax?i got vip for 1:(

    * agrees with jiggie * I have to agree too. Seeing these topics from new members is ridicilous.
  23. Virtual Pancake

    Starcraft Hacks Free Download

    I have a life you know.
  24. Virtual Pancake

    I am back, again, and Life sucks

    Depression sucks. I am currently going through a case of it myself. Even with the best of the friends at your side, you still feel like someone took a 4 foot long turd on your forehead. If you are like me, where not even counseling will help, I know the pain. Girls are a vile creature, with the exception of a few.
  25. Virtual Pancake

    Starcraft Hacks Free Download

    How about this. Come to US East and join my game and drop me. Sound like a plan little man? :spiteful: