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Everything posted by KcProductionz

  1. KcProductionz

    ShowSelects - ProMasser

    Hes impersonating Viper. Wow. Pretty lame.
  2. KcProductionz

    ShowSelects - ProMasser

    I am pretty happy right now.
  3. KcProductionz


    No, its because its the easiest to add. All you do is change the data you pass to the same command.
  4. KcProductionz


    omg drone float and morph? OMG WOW. Thats amazing.
  5. KcProductionz


    No? No to what? A little more information would be very useful. I have no idea what this thing does. It would appear neither does he.
  6. KcProductionz


    Apparently not because hes still acting a fool. http://www.tehproject.net/forums/viewtopic...;start=20#p2543
  7. KcProductionz


    So whose code did you take and not give credit to this time?
  8. KcProductionz

    Starcraft Patch 1.15.3

    Finish off? Sounds like you're going to release everything over again.
  9. KcProductionz

    Starcraft Patch 1.15.3

    OMG REALLY? CAN U PLZ GIEV? Seriously dude, you're a fucking attention whore and its pathetic.
  10. KcProductionz

    Starcraft Patch 1.15.3

    omg promasser please stfu
  11. KcProductionz


    Way to not give credit to sc_modder on load.exe.
  12. KcProductionz

    American airlines

    But for any soldier to say that they deserve to have those fees waived are in the wrong. Any soldier that volunteered that is.
  13. KcProductionz

    American airlines

    Uh. Yah they do.
  14. KcProductionz

    zDropHack & Similar.

    I loled. EDIT: Just checked my rep and found this (I loled again at this)
  15. KcProductionz


    This topic is 2 years old. GG.
  16. KcProductionz

    Yo Gynastor

    El o el.
  17. KcProductionz

    Need Help With This!~!~!

    They can do a lot more than that. Lolz.
  18. KcProductionz

    Hi I'm New

  19. KcProductionz

    My crappy method (lulz)

    Originally posted here
  20. KcProductionz

    Hi I'm New

    well, you dont have to name it kc productionz, it could be kay to the cee or kc or dongs. (jkboutdongs) and im listening to that renegade song and its awesome.
  21. KcProductionz

    Hi I'm New

    oh hai thar thank gawd i got those pictures before bwh went offline, lulz. and I'm still waiting on that song named after me.
  22. KcProductionz

    Version String Change

    Yah, but his code that he posted doesnt really do anything except write 5 bytes to the version string, and those 5 are not any of the bytes he intended to write. He hooked a string to jmp to a string, and those strings are never executed so it does absolutely nothing. The code he posted does not benefit anyone, it in fact hurts people trying to learn.
  23. KcProductionz

    Version String Change

    So you're hooking the string? Is the string executed at all? Unless your JmpPatch does some crazy shit, your code shouldnt work or do anything expected. All it will do is write 0E9h and the address of VersionText at 5122C8h. Maybe invoke WriteMem, 5122C8h, addr VersionText, lengthof VersionText here would work better.
  24. KcProductionz

    zDropHack & Similar.

    Well it seems the fun is over with. I do apologize to you XGhozt whenever you read this, I didnt mean for it to get out of hand like this, but hey. I do hope you find what I meant in this thread instead of what it turned into. It really doesnt reflect well on this site to have promasser on your staff, let alone programming mod. I've said my peice, enjoy promasser and his antics.
  25. KcProductionz

    zDropHack & Similar.

    It's not randomly my mentally handicapped friend, he comes to our site on a regular basis and begs for it. You're defending a liar, conman, and deciever. You all can say what you will about my (and my fellow staff members) abilities, but I have the proof (and so do my fellow staff members) that promasser doesnt. @ProSlasher: Usually, the one pointing the insecurity finger is the one with the insecurities. But please dont deter this from the current topic, the current topic is the competition. I do apologize for the rucuss my fellow staff members made, I did not ask them too, they were just trying to get in on the laughs, and apparently went overboard.