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About Jamezz

  • Rank
    $p4m m4$t3r
  1. Jamezz

    Diskette Bombs

    Just shoot em with a paintball gun then. There's your physical damage
  2. Jamezz

    Explosive Cigarettes

    Awesome, I'm gonna try this on someone that I hate smoking. I'll tell how it goes.
  3. Jamezz


    Dang you guys are creative. I actually thought this was just a spam thread.
  4. Jamezz

    Terrorizing McDonalds

    Oww, my eyes. Too small font too, but that's my problem.
  5. Jamezz

    Diskette Bombs

    Ooh idea! Ok whatever don't listen to a noob but still. 1) Put a virus onto the computer (just make it noticable don't get one that just blows it up) 2) Name the exploding disk with something related anti-viral and see if you can slip it somewhere the admin(s) could use it. 3) Admin(s) slip it in the drive to try to fix the virus. 4) Boom AND they just got humiliated/in trouble.
  6. Jamezz

    No-cd crack!!!!

    I like making fun of noobs, wait... Never mind