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Everything posted by Zuinja

  1. Zuinja

    I Have Worries

    Skype is traceable, period. However, it's time-consuming and painfully expensive to do so. And that's why no one does and everyone says it is traceable.. It IS traceable, but no one gives a shit about tracing it. The only way to be completely anonymous is if you use PRQ.SE's VPN service. They log absolutely nothing. Not even server logs.
  2. Zuinja


    What do you mean "new" Oblivion? New patch, expansion, what? :P btw BeBest_Site_Ever, love that signature image :P
  3. Zuinja

    Blizzard Announces Starcraft 2!

    If it's going to look the exact same, it's going to suck >.>... But I guess Gameplay > Graphics.
  4. Zuinja

    Starcraft Cd-key

    Hello, fellow: friends, teachers, hackers, friends and whomever this may concern. I was wondering if anyone was kind enough to spare an un-needed cd-key that they don't need anymore, that I can use? What I need it for is, online playing, if I wanted to, I could probably find a cd-key for singleplayer. My previously bought cd-key from stores was 'somehow' banned, I don't know how. But it's weird. So if anyone thinks they can spare a cd-key or two, (it can be muted or voided, but I'd preferably liked it if you could spare one or two that aren't). 'Neways, nice forums, looks like a great forum to stay active on. :)
  5. Zuinja

    [Editors] Hero_Editor_Full_V95

    Personally, I would have to say that Open Battle.net is more competetive than Closed Battle.Net, it motivates you when you know there is someone who has a better character than you, so you hack your character more. And balh,balh,balh.
  6. Zuinja

    Howdy Veterans!

    Well, I just happen to come across this magnifiicent site, and it's truly amazing. Just dropping in this section to say hey to everyone. :)
  7. Zuinja

    Starcraft Cd-key

    Not to be so pushy or bugging or begging or whatever, but does anyone know some muted or working Diablo 2 and Diablo 2 LOD cd-keys?
  8. Zuinja

    Starcraft Cd-key

    You could've just... Uhh... You know... Just pmed me them. :) 'Cause they're probably going to be used by members here already (if they are working). :)