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 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by Luke

  1. Luke

    CD-Key - Bnet

    ya a PM would be great and does anyone know of a cdkey tester?
  2. Luke

    CD-Key - Bnet

    as long as i can play online with other people and with my friends online i dont really care much about the chat or anything. but it sounds ok to me so yes i would appreciate it =) Thanks Luke
  3. Luke

    CD-Key - Bnet

    would i still be able to play online? or does voided mean that i cannot play online? i would appreciate a bnet capable broodwar cdkey i dont really mind if its muted or not. Thanks Luke
  4. Luke

    CD-Key - Bnet

    i have a cd key for starcraft but were could i get a keygen for broodwar? or does risk work for both? im having a lan party at my house right now and looking for a key for broodwar so i could play with every one els. thanks ahead of time Luke