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Everything posted by XxTribalxX

  1. XxTribalxX

    Design the Ghoztcraft t-Shirt

    WILL DO!! tommorrow lol , g2g to sleep right now, soo late
  2. XxTribalxX

    10 billion GPS contest.

  3. XxTribalxX

    Design the Ghoztcraft t-Shirt

    is this contest over? or can i still send something in (when i make it)
  4. XxTribalxX


    suP iM a frienD of someonE froM thiS sitE froM sC sO jusT wanteD to registeR anD saY hI
  5. XxTribalxX


    leech? ok... but not rly sure his name on forum, i think its xxzeroxx, but not sure heh
  6. XxTribalxX


    yes i will stop, btw the person i know here is xxzeroxx
  7. XxTribalxX


    iF therE iS a rulE againsT iT pleasE telL mE. I aM abouT tO gO reaD thE foruM ruleS, btw the prodigy, ur on my friends list in SC (heh)