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Everything posted by n0.obAtroN

  1. n0.obAtroN

    Nexuiz Beta Testing

    Seeing as the last beta release of Nexuiz was a disaster, I have decided I need to have people test it before releasing it. So, if you want to test Nexuiz Beta, pm me here on gc. There are a few requirements to be a beta tester: #1. Must have VC++ 2008 and Debug Libraries installed #2. Will be the first to recieve Nexuiz source. Thanks you, I hope i get some pms now.... ^ Screenshot of the current beta
  2. n0.obAtroN

    Idiot Protection

    Here is a nice little snippet of code that checks to see if there are idiots in the game. If so, it freezes their unit control. Thanks to Viper for ALL of the offsets. Pre-Compiler stuff: #include <windows.h> #define InGame (*(int*)0x1505C873) Client Side Text Printing Function: VOID BWPrintToClientScreen(char* text,BOOL MiddleS) { __asm{ MOV ESI, text PUSH ESI } if (MiddleS) // true for add text to the (cheat enabled place), or false for normal placement { // middle of screen _asm MOV EAX, -1 } else { // takes away the player format speak . . . so no "playername: message" (%c: %s) _asm MOV EAX, 8 } __asm{ CALL DWORD PTR [data::BWFXN_PrintText] } } WriteNop's: void WriteNOP(int Address, int Nops){ unsigned char nopbyte = 0x90; DWORD OldProt = 0; VirtualProtect((LPVOID)Address, Nops, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &OldProt); for(int x = 0; x < Nops; ++x) { memcpy((void*)(Address+x), &nopbyte, 1); } VirtualProtect((LPVOID)Address, Nops, OldProt, &OldProt); } Main Loop: DWORD WINAPI IdiotCheck(LPVOID lpara) { int NameOffsets[1][8] = { { 0x57EEEB, 0x57EF0F, 0x57EF33, 0x57EF57, 0x57EF7B, 0x57EF9F, 0x57EFC3, 0x57EFE7}, //names }; char NameData; int GetNames = 0; while (true) { if (InGame)//if your in a game { if(GetNames = 0) //see if we have already checked for idiots this game { for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)&NameOffsets[i],&NameData,24,NULL); //get names 1 by 1 if (strncmp(&NameData, "ProMasser", 20) == 0) //check to see if their name is ProMasser { WriteNOP(0x4D9125, 5);//If so, freeze your control over units BWPrintToClientScreen("Idiot Detected: Freezing Starcraft", false); } //add other idiots here } StoredData::GetNames = 1; } } else { GetNames = 0; } Sleep(2000); } return 0; } HackStartup: void HackStartup() { CreateThread(NULL,NULL,IdiotCheck,NULL,NULL,NULL); } DllMain: extern "C" //so it will not get mingled by c++ compiler { BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch( fdwReason ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: HackStartup(); break; } return 1; } }
  3. n0.obAtroN

    Interesting Starcraft Pictures

    lol, me too :D
  4. n0.obAtroN

    Nexuiz 2.3.2 Beta

    Thank You for your kind feedback. A maphack is planned, I have got it to reveal the entire terrian so far. It will be rather simple to get it to work completely ;)
  5. n0.obAtroN

    Nexuiz 2.3.2 Beta

    It is sending a null character, should be a box. I am having troubles with sending messages in the channel, hence the box. I am working on fixing it as we speak.
  6. n0.obAtroN

    Nexuiz 2.3.2 Beta

    Thank you for your feedback, I have fixed several bugs already
  7. n0.obAtroN

    Nexuiz 2.3.2 Beta

    scuse me? Did you read the readme? In the readme is a autospoof name. Dont bring your shit here calling it a joke till you take a look around, but none the less, thanks for replying. When you spoof color the hack detector goes off and replaces their name with a black "HACKER" in their slot. At the current time the Zerg mineral hack doesnt work on multiple larva, only on a single one. All the features you have posted work perfectly, read the readme and check the config file next time :P
  8. n0.obAtroN

    Nexuiz 2.3.2 Beta

    Someone test it and tell me if it works, so I can post it on BWH
  9. n0.obAtroN

    Interesting Starcraft Pictures

    Here is my hacking environment: Beat that :D
  10. n0.obAtroN

    Stats Hack C++

    Coded by me. meh. Have fun. Pre-code crap: #include <windows.h> #include <Winuser.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> Code for BWPrintScreen: VOID BWPrintToScreen(char* text,BOOL MiddleS) { static const int BWPrintText = 0x48CE60; __asm{ MOV ESI, text PUSH ESI } if (MiddleS) // true for add text to the (cheat enabled place), or false for normal placement { // middle of screen _asm MOV EAX, -1 } else { // takes away the player format speak . . . so no "playername: message" (%c: %s) _asm MOV EAX, 8 } __asm{ CALL DWORD PTR [BWPrintText] } } Code for stats hack: void StatsHack() { int Player1Minerals[24]; int Player2Minerals[24]; int Player3Minerals[24]; int Player4Minerals[24]; int Player5Minerals[24]; int Player6Minerals[24]; int Player7Minerals[24]; int Player8Minerals[24]; int Player1Gas[24]; int Player2Gas[24]; int Player3Gas[24]; int Player4Gas[24]; int Player5Gas[24]; int Player6Gas[24]; int Player7Gas[24]; int Player8Gas[24]; char Player1Name[24]; char Player2Name[24]; char Player3Name[24]; char Player4Name[24]; char Player5Name[24]; char Player6Name[24]; char Player7Name[24]; char Player8Name[24]; char Combine1[100]; char Combine2[100]; char Combine3[100]; char Combine4[100]; char Combine5[100]; char Combine6[100]; char Combine7[100]; char Combine8[100]; ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F0D8,&Player1Minerals,24,NULL); //get data ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F108,&Player1Gas,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57EEEB,&Player1Name,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F0DC,&Player2Minerals,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F10C,&Player2Gas,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57EF0F,&Player2Name,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F0E0,&Player3Minerals,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F110,&Player3Gas,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57EF33,&Player3Name,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F0E4,&Player4Minerals,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F114,&Player4Gas,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57EF57,&Player4Name,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F0E8,&Player5Minerals,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F118,&Player5Gas,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57EF7B,&Player5Name,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F0EC,&Player6Minerals,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F11C,&Player6Gas,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57EF9F,&Player6Name,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F0F0,&Player7Minerals,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F120,&Player7Gas,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57EFC3,&Player7Name,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F0F4,&Player8Minerals,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57F124,&Player8Gas,24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)0x57EFE7,&Player8Name,24,NULL); char P1MinsChar = (char) Player1Minerals; //convert to char char P1GasChar = (char) Player1Gas; char P2MinsChar = (char) Player2Minerals; char P2GasChar = (char) Player2Gas; char P3MinsChar = (char) Player3Minerals; char P3GasChar = (char) Player3Gas; char P4MinsChar = (char) Player4Minerals; char P4GasChar = (char) Player4Gas; char P5MinsChar = (char) Player5Minerals; char P5GasChar = (char) Player5Gas; char P6MinsChar = (char) Player6Minerals; char P6GasChar = (char) Player6Gas; char P7MinsChar = (char) Player7Minerals; char P7GasChar = (char) Player7Gas; char P8MinsChar = (char) Player8Minerals; char P8GasChar = (char) Player8Gas; strcat(Combine1, Player1Name); //combine + color strcat(Combine1, " \x0E"); strcat(Combine1, &P1MinsChar); strcat(Combine1, " \x0F"); strcat(Combine1, &P1GasChar); strcat(Combine2, Player2Name); strcat(Combine2, " \x0E"); strcat(Combine2, &P2MinsChar); strcat(Combine2, " \x0F"); strcat(Combine2, &P2GasChar); strcat(Combine3, Player3Name); strcat(Combine3, " \x0E"); strcat(Combine3, &P3MinsChar); strcat(Combine3, " \x0F"); strcat(Combine3, &P3GasChar); strcat(Combine4, Player4Name); strcat(Combine4, " \x0E"); strcat(Combine4, &P4MinsChar); strcat(Combine4, " \x0F"); strcat(Combine4, &P4GasChar); strcat(Combine5, Player5Name); strcat(Combine5, " \x0E"); strcat(Combine5, &P5MinsChar); strcat(Combine5, " \x0F"); strcat(Combine5, &P5GasChar); strcat(Combine6, Player6Name); strcat(Combine6, " \x0E"); strcat(Combine6, &P6MinsChar); strcat(Combine6, " \x0F"); strcat(Combine6, &P6GasChar); strcat(Combine7, Player7Name); strcat(Combine7, " \x0E"); strcat(Combine7, &P7MinsChar); strcat(Combine7, " \x0F"); strcat(Combine7, &P7GasChar); strcat(Combine8, Player8Name); strcat(Combine8, " \x0E"); strcat(Combine8, &P8MinsChar); strcat(Combine8, " \x0F"); strcat(Combine8, &P8GasChar); BWPrintToScreen(Combine1, false); //print to screen BWPrintToScreen(Combine2, false); BWPrintToScreen(Combine3, false); BWPrintToScreen(Combine4, false); BWPrintToScreen(Combine5, false); BWPrintToScreen(Combine6, false); BWPrintToScreen(Combine7, false); BWPrintToScreen(Combine8, false); } Toggle code: if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F8))//toggle stats hack { StatsHack(); } Update: OR, you could do it the easy complicated way: void StatsHack() { int PlayerStatData[2][8]; char PlayerName[24][8]; int StatOffsets[3][8] = { { 0x57F0D8, 0x57F0DC, 0x57F0E0, 0x57F0E4, 0x57F0E8, 0x57F0EC, 0x57F0F0, 0x57F0F4}, //minerals { 0x57F108, 0x57F10C, 0x57F110, 0x57F114, 0x57F118, 0x57F11C, 0x57F120, 0x57F124}, //gas { 0x57EEEB, 0x57EF0F, 0x57EF33, 0x57EF57, 0x57EF7B, 0x57EF9F, 0x57EFC3, 0x57EFE7}, //names }; for (int i = 1; i < 9; ++i) { ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)&StatOffsets[1][i],&PlayerStatData[1][i],24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)&StatOffsets[2][i],&PlayerStatData[2][i],24,NULL); ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(),(LPCVOID)&StatOffsets[3][i],&PlayerName[i],24,NULL); } }
  11. Gl w/ ur hacks, ask me if you ever need help

  12. n0.obAtroN

    SCBW 1.15.1 Offsets

    0x4c3539 & 0x4c3516 & 0x458dea & 0x4599f1 Figure it out, one compares the selected unit, the other writes the selected unit, the other 2 cant remember
  13. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    ProMasser, Mike told me in person that he did not give ulilwlki the exploit. You where there. Quit trying to deny it.
  14. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    Just close the thread damnit
  15. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    Holy shit, did you not read my last posts or are you just metally handicapped? I didnt say ban him, I said "watch out, theres a leaker!". Now close this damned thread before I get baned over your stupidity.
  16. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    good hell, someone please close this thread? It has served its perpous from the first post. Thanks
  17. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    Dont quit jiggie. what brought this about?
  18. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    Did you not read the last post? The only reason I am posting this is to show HE CANT BE TRUSTED. By me posting this you now know he cant be trusted, and are forwarned. Now when he comes to you asking for code, you wont have to go throught this shit I am dealing with right now. You should be thanking me: "Thanks man, I didnt know he leaked shit. If he came to me I would have givin it to him, and I would be screwed". I dont care about the vip shit, its not all that great. But next time someone is leaking shit, I will just keep my mouth shut, and beleive me when I say you will be sorry when its your shit he is leaking. you Bastards.
  19. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    Here is me in the convo telling ProMasser he wont get banned over this: (6:55:36 PM) [email protected]: just fyi, you wont get banned from gc (6:55:39 PM) ProMasser: Today? (6:55:44 PM) [email protected]: never (6:55:46 PM) ProMasser: when all this got started? (6:55:53 PM) ProMasser: ????? (6:55:57 PM) [email protected]: The replay did not come from the VIP downloads (6:56:00 PM) ProMasser: i might lose my v.i.p tho (6:56:05 PM) [email protected]: so it was not leaked from gc (6:56:07 PM) ProMasser: i know but still (6:56:10 PM) [email protected]: so you wont lose it (6:56:21 PM) ProMasser: i just don't want everyone saying i leaked it The only reason I posted this is to show that ProMasser cannot be trusted with anything, not even something as small as a replay. I am not saying it is like leaking a hack from the VIP, please quit trying to read between the lines. I am saying that if he leeks stuff like this, he is bound to leak/trade other crap. End of the story. By by now. Go home happy. There is nothing more to it.
  20. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    Incorect. Jiggie was showing me a second time with you in the same game in hopes that I would find the nuke. He had shown me a previous time when I could not find the nuke, instead ProMasser was there, not you. Viper: who ever said punish him? He leaked some crap yes, but who said punish him?
  21. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    It has everything to do with gc. He leaked a hack that was bound to end up in the VIP section, before it even made it there!
  22. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    Who then showed it to someone who showed it to someone, etc. :o
  23. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    So far the leaked replay took this course: Mike the Creator --> Jiggie --> ProMasser --> Someone (unkown) --> ulikliwi --> Viper Jiggie also showed me the replay at the same time as ProMasser, but I couldnt find the nuke so I thought it was a fake. Mike was free to show the replay, it was his. Jiggie was free to show it to me and ProMasser cuz we are all VIP. But the unkown person and ulikliwi where are not VIP members, and they got it from ProMasser. ulikliwi then showed Viper, who is fine cuz he is VIP too. Therfore, ProMasser leaked it to non-VIP members.
  24. n0.obAtroN

    Jiggie Why You Said I Leaked The

    You leaked a replay of a nuke exploit that somehow made its way to ulikliwi At first you tried to blame it on mike, but he denied it. [email protected] = Mike ProMasser = Leaker [email protected] = me, n0.obAtroN EDIT: I have bolded the relevant parts of the convo
  25. n0.obAtroN

    Nexuiz 3.0.3, it's complete!

    I coded it, of course I will think it is 10x of oblivion. Where would I be if I didnt? Dont get me wrong, oblivion is a good hack but I like mine better. Its just personal preference. If you are the real zynaster, please tell me what I told you about doobers.