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Posts posted by n0.obAtroN

  1. If Blizzards priorities for Sc2 where ranked, this is how it would go (from most to least important):

    1) Multi-player game-play.

    2) Graphics.

    3) Mission Scenarios.





    308) Storyline.


    In my opinion, they put too little emphasis on the storyline. It needed to be engaging, with a MASSIVE and EPIC cliff-hanger at the end, to motivate players to continue purchasing the follow-up campaigns. Blizzard was banking off of the Multi-player game-play for WOL, not the storyline. This leaves them with two options for follow-up campaigns:


    1) Update the multi-player game-play each campaign, giving players an incentive to re-purchase.

    2) Have fewer return-customers because the storyline sucked, and they have no reason to continue it.


    I am betting on number 2, as 1 can be counter-productive in most situations (and in particular their situation). 2 probably happened because they where banking 100% on the multi-player (which is how it should have been for Starcraft), and follow-up campaigns where simply expected to make less money (that not being an issue because of the revenue generated from the first release, WOL).


    You may then say, new mission scenarios can give customers incentive to repurchase. While this is true, do you know how hard it is to come up with new mission scenarios? Blizzard reused MANY scenarios from their previous games (especially from War3), which just testifies to the fact that it is hard to come up with new mission scenarios. With the same old scenarios in the new game as the previous games, there is little (if any) incentive for customers to repurchase for that reason.


    All-in-all: Blizzard could have done a MUCH job better on the Storyline. They didn't, so don't expect anything spectacular from their next Sc2 release.

  2. Lol. I had to laugh when I read this. I mentioned just how screwed people where in this post right here, but everyone thinks they are invincible, and didn't believe me. Lol! rofl


    Do also realize that whether or not those people being sued either win/loose the court-battles, they will still pay a huge price. The stress degrades your working ability, the time in courts either cuts into personal time or work time, and there are the costs of lawyers and court-fees too. Even if you win the court-battle, you have lost.


    As always, none of my advice is not meant to replace that of an attorney's. Be sure to consult with an attorney for the best course of action.

  3. I was told by my attorney that this is simply a scare tactic. He said blizzard can not claim any copyright infringement because of the open source code. Making a "hack" as a separate entity from the game is not considered copyright infringement. All the person has to do is say they are a security researcher and publishing the results of their work for other security researchers and that they are not providing binaries or hacks to exploit games, and in no way responsible with misuses of the source code.


    FH shouldn't have shut down. They could have stood their ground through stipulation.


    Your attorney obviously doesn't know much, did he graduate high-school? Stated in EVERY commercial EULA is something to the effect of: "Reverse engineering this product is prohibited in every way shape and form".


    Creating hacks could easily be pursued in court as an "attempt to reverse engineer Sc2". Being the multi-million dollar monster that Blizzard is, they would have no issue getting a court order/subpoena, getting your real name from your ISP, and pursuing further legal action.


    XGhozt: Out of all the members on this site, you are the most vulnerable. Blizzard does not have immediate access to the IP addresses of this site's members, but they do have access to this sites IP address. With a simple court-order/subpoena they would have your real name, and a lawsuit could easily appear shortly after.


    Even if your contracts to the members of this site legally protect you from the fallout of these user(s) actions, is it really worth dragging it through the court-system, paying the up-front lawyer/court-costs, and dealing with the IMMENSE amount of stress?


    To tell you from personal experience, both suing and being sued, it is NOT worth it. I have gotten court-orders and pursued legal action against people on the Internet before, and it works. Don't think that your immune to it, because your not.


    It is my humble recommendation, as a veteran in this area of expertise, to not host Starcraft 2 hacks on Ghoztcraft.net.


    Do note that none of my advice is not meant to replace that of an attorney's. Be sure to consult with an attorney for the best course of action.

  4. An old snippet from nexuiz 2.2.4, hope you find it usefull:

    /*IdentifyUpgrade() - Indentifies an upgrade from hex values*/
    char* IdentifyUpgrade(int upgrade)
    	case 13:
    		return "Ground Weapons";
    	case 5:
    		return "Ground Armor";
    	case 15:
    		return "Plasma Sheilds";
    	case 14:
    		return "Air Weapons";
    	case 6:
    		return "Air Armor";
    	case 7:
    		return "Infintry Weapons";
    	case 0:
    		return "Inifintry Armor";
    	case 8:
    		return "Vehicle Weapons";
    	case 1:
    		return "Vehicle Plating";
    	case 9:
    		return "Ship Weapons";
    	case 2:
    		return "Ship Plating";
    	case 10:
    		return "Melee Attacks";
    	case 11:
    		return "Missle Attacks";
    	case 3:
    		return "Carapace";
    	case 12:
    		return "Flyer Attacks";
    	case 4:
    		return "Flyer Carapace";
    		return NULL;

  5. Game Title: Galactic Vice


    My Rating: 10.0



    General storyline:

    Galactic Vice is a futuristic 3D RTS game featuring two races at war. Vital mistakes made by a corrupt human empire lead to a catastrophic war against an alien race, one in which humanity is pushed to the brink of extinction.


    Galactic Vice is under heavy development, and is in the pre-beta stage. I have posted here in hope to get some support. We are looking for 2D artists, 3D artists, Concept Artists, Environment Artists, and Web Designers.


    The forums also need management, and there are some kickass admins here :)


    Here is a screenshot of a explosion/terrain test:




    If you would like to help, contact my organization at: [email protected]




  6. The famous Jiggie once said: "Yea, id love to know how a maphack is made. Ive seen a source but I dont really understand it" [http://www.bwhacks.com/forums/starcraft-hacking-related/27143-map-hack-tutorial.html]


    lol, here, have a maphack source. OPEN SOURCE BITCHES!



    #include <windows.h>
    static const unsigned char newcode[] = {0xC7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02};
    extern "C"
    BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
    	switch (fdwReason)
    			// attach to process
    			// return FALSE to fail DLL load
    			 WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (void*)0x480BA0, (const void*)&newcode, 6, 0);
    			return TRUE; // succesful
    			return false;

  7. Well, this is the beta release of SCSTD. It is the first public release of this hack. Do not download this unless you intend to "beta" test it for me.



    Stats hack that shows minerals, gas, player name, player color, ally status, etc

    Unit alert with a minimap ping, sound + portrait of created unit

    Pausehack that pauses the game permanently until you unpause it (even on battle.net)

    3 State Maphack, light, full, and off

    Zerg mineral hack that works on multiple larva, multiple hydralisks, multiple mutalisks, etc

    Multicommand with alt or tilda as hotkey

    Upgrade Alert that alerts you when a player upgrades

    Custom Color host that allows you to color the host any color you want

    Minorities, aka host hack, dl status, etc.


    Go beta test this and post bugs in this thread.


    Thank you, n0.obAtroN


    Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/109402013/SCSTD.zip.html

  8. Is it now? I just might get showed up by a girl..... Ahh thats alright it always makes um happy ;)


    An thats the grea thing about it: its pointless. Fighting for your right to stay on some dman server! absolutely pointless if you ask me....

  9. "I am to good for you and dont want to waste my time on something as pitiful as you n0.obAtroN" -- jiggie


    Hell yah you got it right. I am pitiful. But that sad thing is: you just go showed up by a damn redneck noob ass attention seeking bitch!
