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About trance

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    $p4m m4$t3r
  1. trance

    Help With Panic v1.15!

    becuz private is always better, it's how life is. VIP and anything private are special. Panic drop does suck, but the mineral really ownz
  2. trance

    Panic 1.15

    dude, annihilation is much less buggy than Panic. Panic contains more features though but like what the top guy said, u gotta know how to use it. Panic is known to crash at certain sometimes and it makes u look like u got crashed but it's actually the hack. I do recommend inhale or zypher if you're noob and just want to play with little hacks; basically having fun the same time annhilation if you're medium and u really want some hacking and panic if you just want to dam hack off the game and piss everyone off while playing :o
  3. trance

    Whats Your Fav Race

    zerg is pretty awesome, they do pretty good when it comes to map max and they have fast production
  4. trance

    Power Supply

    ummm, y turn off everything in the house when it's only the computer?
  5. umm yea...how do i get back my old account becuz i usually don't go that much and now it's gone...like wat teh heck??? can someone help me...my account was champion of HEX and SNAKE...