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 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by Magical_Trever

  1. Magical_Trever

    Panic Pr 1.0.0

    even im more mature than you. go work on your hacks little boy yourhacksthatdon'texist
  2. Magical_Trever

    Remote Keylogger Please?

    lol runescape is for noobs.
  3. Magical_Trever

    Ddos Attacks..

    lol yeah i noticed it. its cool
  4. Magical_Trever

    Funny Nija Shit

    thats just stupid.
  5. Magical_Trever

    Starcraft 2 Unit List from 2005

    the unit names are wrong. the Hyperlisk will still be a Ultra, the Wraith kamikaze and the other are just Vikings. the walker is a Collosus. the Baneling is also a suicidal zergling.
  6. Magical_Trever

    Interesting Starcraft Pictures

    lol i know. Gundam century mod
  7. Magical_Trever

    Interesting Starcraft Pictures

  8. Magical_Trever

    EndPoop hack v2

    does the pause hack actualy work now?
  9. Magical_Trever

    Terran Nukeing Replays

    where do you get these nuke hacks?
  10. Magical_Trever

    Oblivion V3.0.2 Beta 2

    no and no, ive downloaded SCM loader and it doesn't work.
  11. Magical_Trever

    Favourite Unit Speech

    If you were to say a unit speech from Warcraft1,2,3 or Starcraft+Broodwar why would you say it and what unit would it be from. If somebody wanted to fight me i would say Marine speech: want a peace of me, boy?
  12. Magical_Trever

    Oblivion V3.0.2 Beta 2

    nice. im still a noob Viper so can you tell me where to get sc window moded?
  13. Magical_Trever

    Oblivion V3.0.2 Beta 2

    hey, how do you get your SC screen like that? and is that multi build?
  14. Magical_Trever

    [Wiki] Oblivion.dllv3.0.2Beta

    its not out yet boy
  15. Magical_Trever

    I Shot The Sheriff

    ohhh... but i am the Immortal so my shield's deflected it.
  16. Magical_Trever

    Nexuiz 3.0.3, it's complete!

    lol it sunday.. for me XD.
  17. Magical_Trever

    Nexuiz 3.0.3, it's complete!

    ahh, is oblivion v3.0.2 out yet??.. i really need sc to stop crashing, it pissses me off
  18. Magical_Trever

    During Sex...

    Kung Fu fighting During sex
  19. Magical_Trever

    Nexuiz 3.0.3, it's complete!

    selecting dead units
  20. Magical_Trever

    During Sex...

    timbeland - way i are during sex
  21. Magical_Trever

    Nexuiz 3.0.3, it's complete!

    how can i prevent this Viper..
  22. Magical_Trever

    Selling Cafecert!

    wouldn't that take up loads of space on my computer?
  23. Magical_Trever

    Selling Cafecert!

    for quake 3, nobody is gonna buy this...
  24. Magical_Trever

    Selling Cafecert!

    omg, dude... i we dont really need to pay $70 for some hack.
  25. Magical_Trever

    EndPoop hack

    sweet, now instead of having to shit my pants when i need to go to the toilet because people keep unpausing my game i can just pop this on. your a pants/life/bowel/stink saver.