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 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by Unseen

  1. Unseen

    15-year-old Killed For Not Passing Game

    Anti-Social = basically night knowing right from wrong so if he killed him and said "that did not just happen" he might not have cared at all. or he was so drugged up he's like "whoaaaaah" and yeah, it's most definitely not the games fault
  2. Unseen

    15-year-old Killed For Not Passing Game

    Holy crap! that's just ridiculous. "that just didn't happen" He might have been in a different world when he did, but why did he have the gun in the first place? I don't think we have the full story, otherwise you think the "friend" would have given the kid some what of a warning before firing? that's just ludicrous! Frustration can add up to that stuff maybe if the kid was constantly asking and the younger one kept saying no. Either way that is definitely not justifiable.
  3. Unseen

    Amd Adds Triple-core Processors

    In your opinion (anyone's) what do you think is an overall better processor? for the Duo's
  4. Unseen

    Amd Adds Triple-core Processors

    I don't know much about hardware. But this means they're going to be doing better than Intel? Or just give them a run for their money?
  5. Unseen

    Ladies N' Gentalmen

    what ghozt said...specs?? and isn't it Ladies and gentlemen? if anything it'd be Gentlemen in ladies...if ya know what i mean.
  6. Unseen

    Importance Of Prom

    Yeah I guess it would be by location/culture. I'm just saying.
  7. Unseen

    This is why 11yr olds don't raid

    Holy crap. i'm listening to this right now and i can't stop laughing. hahahaha. thank you for who ever found this
  8. Unseen

    Importance Of Prom

    Kind of mad here. 1. I believe prom is important because it's the last dance if you go as a senior. 2. "freak" dancing. For one that name just pisses me off, my school calls it MTV dancing...yeah they're old people. There are many definitions of what a "dance" is but I don't see how a girl rubbing her ass on you is a dance. even if she does do it to the beat...honestly. 3. From the experiences I have had at any of my school dances, the DJ sucks. I'm a senior and my prom is coming up soon, but my homecoming dance and silverbelle dance freakin' sucked because the DJ played horrible songs. Then again that is my opinion because I hate music that is played on major radio stations. (not all of it, just the garbage they play 4 times within a few hours e.g: Britney spears will come on at least 3 times in an hour on our most popular radio station that everyone listens to for some reason.) But then again that's just my opinion. Overall: I think prom is going to be a blast considering it's my last dance and all. Prom is supposed to be fun and filled with everlasting memories, I don't know about the whole sex on prom night deal. Stated earlier that high school girls have sex before they're even a senior is true. So I'd have to disagree on that. And to Ares regarding what you said earlier about "freak dancing" when you said girls like I'm definitely going to disagree with you on that one. I don't know what kind of girls you hang out with but only a few girls I've seen at dances dance like that. But if you go into a night club, then yeah I'll agree with you because girls are either 1. drunk, or 2. want to grind/"freak" dance. Like I said, that's all my opinion.
  9. Unseen


    If you have a favorite mashup of a few songs, post the link here. Here is a sweet one found on YouTube
  10. Unseen

    Starcraft Mods

    Does anyone have any cool full modifications for Starcraft? I've played a few but I wonder if there are any that you guys have that are mind blowing?
  11. Unseen

    Shout Box

    I don't even use the shoutbox, I see it up there and i'm like "hey people are talking" then just go back to lurking and making the few posts i do. So I guess i'll take a side on this one, open it up to the public. Unless of course it does take a lot of resources and what not.
  12. Unseen

    No One Remembers?

    Lol, people don't remember you for you... They remember you for your sig! haha just kidding, just a good memory enhancer. I'm new to you, but uhh...welcome back!
  13. Unseen

    Vote On Hack Features

    I like everything you have on it so far!
  14. Unseen

    Sony To Add Skype To Psp

    That will be interesting. you'll probably have to pay for skype soon then. because then you can just buy a PSP and have free calling to anyone else with a PSP/Skype? or is skype not free?
  15. Unseen

    Have You Ever Been Caught Hacking?

    hah, if your school has each student have their own login identity then you should have never been caught. that's if, and no i've never been caught
  16. Unseen

    Gettin' Vip Account?

    yeah, and it also allows you to feel more "upper class" than the rest : ) i said FEEL people. that doesn't mean you actually are.
  17. Unseen

    Oh Hai Thar

    Welcome to Ghoztcraft. so i'm 17 and since you're 14/f. we should hook up some time...not. hahaha. have fun here, oh and listen to the radio, you'll "lol" at the DJs
  18. Unseen

    New Starcraft Sig

    you should so make me one! haha. : )
  19. Unseen

    The Karma Game

    I like your transformers avatar. and for my sig, zander made it
  20. Unseen

    The Karma Game

    i like how you try being nice by saying "like" but you really don't mean well.
  21. Unseen

    The Karma Game

    i like how everyone is so nice to me : )
  22. Unseen


    Ok, so i have IRC and everything. does Ghoztcraft have it's own channel? actually how do i do anything with IRC? lol -Edit. So yeah, i found everything out except does the radio have a channel?
  23. Unseen

    Girls On Starcraft

    i find it funny you all argue over girl gamers :D
  24. Unseen

    Song association game.

    Funker Vogt - Killing Fields
  25. Unseen

    This Is Why Myspace Is Horrible.

    seriously, that was scary. i hate how these little kids throw around swear words like they're nothing. well, curse words are nothing. but it doesn't make the kid seem any "better" all he does is click the refresh button on his browser and talk to people. wouldnt it be easier if he just got AIM, Yahoo, MSN...or anything else? that little kid is what makes me NOT want to have a son or daughter. does anyone know his actual myspace account??