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 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by Ghostface

  1. Ghostface

    Hello, Im The Newest Newb

    Welcome to Ghoztcraft, nice to see a dedicated gamer ;)
  2. Ghostface

    Rocket/Grenade Jumping

    due to all the people that complained about that map its different then the original release
  3. Ghostface

    50 Nerdy/geeky Pick Up Lines

    *roflmfao* That one's just stupid... hahah great quotes
  4. Ghostface

    Rocket/Grenade Jumping

    I thought they patched that
  5. Ghostface

    Gas Hack?

    Is there a way to get gas ? When you use zerg mineral hack, we have everything but gas :)
  6. Ghostface

    Cant.... Wait... Longer...

    was instant for me
  7. Ghostface


    IS this vip or public?
  8. New Video of Starcraft 2, Eatgod Vs Kimcarry with the new race of zerg. Enjoy it. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/188205.html
  9. Ghostface

    Super Smash Brawl Friend Code

    Anyone on Ghoztcraft play super smash brawl? If so reply here with your friend code and lets multiplayer on wifi :P 3437-2704-1288
  10. Ghostface

    Super Smash Brawl Friend Code

    added! did you add me?
  11. Ghostface

    Starcraft 2 Beta!

    HAHAH ok ok, when you get the beta you can prove us wrong. I just see a lot of people that claim this on battle.net forums :P
  12. Ghostface

    Gas Hack?

    Any race mineral / gas hack would be nice :P
  13. Ghostface

    Gas Hack?

    anyone know where i can download a working version?
  14. Ghostface

    7 Years Of Starcraft In 7 Mins

    The videos a few months old, ill post if he updates a new one
  15. Ghostface

    7 Years Of Starcraft In 7 Mins

    you make a spawning pool with only 4 drones and rush back then it was a lot faster since it was only 150 minerals to make a s.pool, it was almost scary
  16. Ghostface

    7 Years Of Starcraft In 7 Mins

    I remember the 300 mineral scout and 150 mineral pool.. i miss 4 pool :)
  17. Ghostface

    Security Camera Can 'see' Through Cloth

    wow wtf... i hope its not cancerous
  18. Ghostface

    Paypal Considers Safari To Be Insecure

    but it was made by Mac... so in that case... it sucks Windows > Mac anyday. Only thing of Apple i have is the iPhone and its not that great.
  19. Ghostface

    22 Min Sc2 Video Match Up!~ Zerg

    they are both pretty good but this one shows you a little more. if you watch it zerg queen seems way to weak right now.
  20. Ghostface

    [ Warcraft 3 ] Patch 1.21

    Hacks come out fast these days haha
  21. Ghostface

    Newton Virus: Infect Differently

    haha that would be devastating
  22. Ghostface

    Vip Or Public Hack Request

    Doesnt seem to work for me in-game when i press f12. Thanks anyways though.
  23. Mature and cool guy at a young age. =D

  24. I know this is a little old but in case you guys havent seen this video: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/187369.html Thats the 20 min video that was released of Savior playing.
  25. Ghostface

    Vip Or Public Hack Request

    It says its an old download for 1.15.1 is there one for 1.15.2 :P