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Everything posted by Tohos

  1. I was wondering for those experienced photographers where you guys go (location wise) for good photos or do you just usually carry the camera with you everywhere? I'm looking for general locations as i know not everyone lives where i do. thanks.
  2. Tohos

    [Gaming] Gundam Century

    wow, this mod looks like its going to be alot of fun playing with. i'm excited to try it out.
  3. Tohos

    Starcraft 2 Unit List from 2005

    I'm surprised that oyu actually hit some of the on the mark haha. I would've expected them to change pretty much everything (which they did sorta..)
  4. Tohos

    Starcraft 2 Release Date

    I'm pretty sure with all the videos and what not out now most of the races are done with their buildings and units. What i'm thinking is that they're just polsihing and working mainly on balancing. They're a whole bunch of new unites and abilities which seem really rigged so the balancing issue must be addressed fully. thats my 2 cents. btw zerg sounds more like "Splat spit splatty splat burp."
  5. Tohos


    i would say the blue one, however try changing the color to something that is like cripp's banner, it has a more cool color scheme to it rather than your transformers blue. (if that makes any sense...)
  6. Tohos

    Lag Fixer

    so pretty much you are downloading useless code? i was just going to ask how this works but thanks for answering my ponderings in advance proslasher.