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About VoxEladrin

  • Rank
    $p4m m4$t3r

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    Van Sagen
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  • World of Warcraft Characters
    US|Blackwater Raiders|Horde|Ithan
  1. VoxEladrin

    New New Project

    Well, I'm making an rpg map. Similar mechanics to DBZ all sagas. Still, I'd like someone who's good with triggers to help me out. I can handle doing everything else. If you want to help, get xfire and add sageofshadow
  2. Anyone be so kind as to put it up for hosting?
  3. VoxEladrin

    Advance Wars Map

    If ANYONE is going to work on this, we're going to have to speak on Xfire. My screenname is sageofshadow. There I will send the file if you're helping me work on it.
  4. VoxEladrin

    Advance Wars Map

    Simple. Capture a barracks and it will spawn footmen and mechs, airports spawn copters, etc. =\ I want to upload the map, but the site won't let me. This way someone can do my triggers for me (And add CO's if you feel it prudent. I have some powers in mind)
  5. VoxEladrin

    Advance Wars Map

    Well, I'm making an Advance Wars map, I have the units and the like all set up I just need someone to do the triggers for me to resemble the orignal games. NEED -Capturable buildings -Unit spawn points at buildings -Anything else you find prudent to add Help me out to get your name in the credits :D Hrm...wont let me upload my map. Help?
  6. VoxEladrin

    [map Request] Rebuilding Of Eora

    Thanks so much ZeroFrost :D I'll repay the debt someday.
  7. Can someone put up the download link for Rebuilding of Eora? It's a map I've been trying to get for ages. If possible, Gladiator RPG too ^^