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 V.I.P. Member
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Everything posted by Aiur

  1. Aiur

    Dead Man.

    If you neg repped him, then the way to fix that would be to plus rep him (apologize in the rep comment :D ).
  2. Aiur

    Delete Me Please!

  3. Aiur

    zDrophack 1.15.2 Released To Public

    Has no one but me realized that the link to the download is dead?
  4. Aiur

    Delete Me Please!

    He probably found out that you're getting ticked about him doing that so he's just trying to provoke you. Ignore him and sooner or later he'll stop.
  5. Aiur

    Winbot Wins?

    I wish I could help you, but I have no idea how to fix the "client revision rejected." But for one last shot, try changing the login server to "jbls.org."
  6. Aiur

    Winbot Wins?

    :) Try setting the BNLS to pyro.no-ip.biz.
  7. Aiur

    Winbot Wins?

    So you don't need anymore help at the moment?
  8. Aiur

    Winbot Wins?

    What battle.net login server are you trying to use?
  9. Aiur

    Winbot Wins?

    Are you trying to use a proxy? If not, keep trying CD-Keys. If so, stop using them. They aren't needed unless you've been IP banned (like me ).
  10. Aiur

    Winbot Wins?

    You put in the accounts and passwords (they have to have the same password), select the realm and BNLS, select the StarCraft version, select the game name and idle channel, and you're good (not necessarily in that order).
  11. Aiur

    Happy Birthday To Me.

    Happy birthday!
  12. Aiur

    Winbot Wins?

    I was the person who uploaded the winbot.
  13. Aiur

    Winbot Wins?

    You're welcome. :biggrin: I haven't been able to winbot, given how I'm still IP banned.
  14. Aiur

    A Few Planets That I've Made

    Looks awesome, Suteki. :thumbsup:
  15. Aiur

    Brood War Sound Utility



    This utility allows you to replace any sound in StarCraft Brood War with a sound of your choice. You can even play online with the sounds customized (or course, it's client side only). You don't even have to inject anything!
  16. Brood War Sound Utility Version: 1.0.0 Author: Unknown Category: Starcraft Screenshot: Description: This utility allows you to replace any sound in StarCraft Brood War with a sound of your choice. You can even play online with the sounds customized (or course, it's client side only). You don't even have to inject anything! Download The File Submitted by Aiur, on Apr 20 2008, 01:52 PM
  17. Aiur

    Announcing: Cobra Spoofer V1.00

    Welcome back, Viper. Also, these "new features" sound interesting.
  18. Aiur

    zDrophack 1.15.2 Released To Public

    Damn it. I get IP banned for 2 weeks from battle.net and a flawless drophack is leaked to the thousands of noobs and bastards on battle.net.
  19. Aiur

    Hey Y'all!

    Welcome to Ghoztcraft!
  20. Aiur

    3 Hours Of Detention

    Everyone hates snitches.
  21. Aiur

    Epic Win

    rofl That is hilarious.
  22. Aiur

    Hello Everyone

    Name: Aiur Favorite Game: StarCraft Age: 16 Favorite Color: Violet Where are you from: USA Where did you hear about us: Various sources Who are you ( SN ): N/A What are you: A human. What do you represent: N/A Gaming Screen Name: Tails_Doll Have a GirlFriend: No Have a BoyFriend: N/A Why did you come here: Why not? :D Who is your Idol: N/A What can you do: I know some HTML and a bit of C++, and I can type in complete sentences and spell words correctly. About you (Description): I'm just your average StarCraft player/hacker.
  23. Aiur

    Starcraft 2 Ending?

    I'd have to go with the Normal - Terran; Expansion - cliff-hanger theory. But we won't know for sure until StarCraft 2 is released.
  24. Aiur

    My New Sig

    Looks great but it's a bit hard to see the "M" and the "A."
  25. Aiur

    Microsoft Making 'wiimote" For The Xbox?

    What will they call it? Xmote?