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Playstation 3 Price cut.

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Will Ps3's price cut improve it's popularity, read about it.


Most likely the PS3 will get a price cut very soon. It is the common sense thing to do if you are Sony. So the question really shouldn't be when? Rather it should be, will the price cut even matter?





For three years now the PS3 has been unable to sustain any momentum that it has gathered from time to time. While there are many contributing factors for Sony's tough outing this generation, the one main factor everyone agrees on is price.


So here we are amidst rumors that a PS3 price drop is imminent. The buzz has been there for a while, but now the slight hum is a pounding noise. Game developers have started to speak out publicly for a PS3 price cut. Sony has been firm and unflinching in denying all rumors.


Most likely the PS3 will get a price cut very soon. It is the common sense thing to do if you are Sony. So the question really shouldn't be when? Rather it should be, will the price cut even matter?


Price cut or not the PS3 would still be the highest priced of the 3 consoles. And to the parents of eager kids everywhere, the lower price Wii and 360 are a more appropriate choice given the economic conditions that every family is starting to face.



Sure the PS3's cheapest model is a better value than the Xbox 360's basic model. But to most consumers this is unknown. We gamers at times tend to forget that not all consumers know the latest gaming news. The average consumer just doesn't understand the value argument.



Finally the PS3's target demographic is an older audience. Which is shrinking year by year. The target demographic for the Wii and 360 is younger and continues to grow larger each year.



It may be to late for Sony to catch up in the console war. However, by no means should anyone say they are finished. Sony will keep supporting the PS3 for years to come. The price will keep falling. There will be sales increase's as the price goes lower and lower over the years. The other two systems though are so far ahead of the PS3 in terms of pricing that I question if Sony's price cut will work, or if it is already too late.

Source: http://gamingfront.net

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Lol, not worth it. Sony already did a price cut when they gutted the PS3 60GB model, resulting in a new, cheaper PS3...minus the PS2 circuitry and processor, the real chrome front, and the extra usb ports. Glad I got a refurbished original one for only $20 more.

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I'm not gonna buy a ps3 for the fact of the matter they took the backwards compatibility out.

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If you want the backwards compatibility, my advice would be to go to gamestop.com and take a look at the refurbished consoles. Mine came without a scratch, they cleaned it, updated it, and gave it to me with warranty. They're running out fast though cuz most ppl don't want to sell the original ones back to gamestop at a fraction of the price.

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